(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
the cat don’t care who wins the cup ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
ORIENTING MY IPHONE TO THE HORIZONTAL INCLINATION was not all that difficult to accomplish. In fact it made activating the shutter easier inasmuch as one of the volume buttons-which can be used as a shutter release-falls conveniently to my index finger (mimicing my "real" camera).
Now the question arises, inasmuch as the square format has been an integal part of my picture making identity, does making rectangular pictures compromise that identity?
I have no doubt about my ability to "arrange" the visual elements-line, shape, form, tone, color, space, et all-within an imposed rectangular frame in a pleasing manner. So that part of the change in format does not concern me. It the signature identity thing that makes me wonder about the change.
Maybe I just have to think about it as a new body of work cuz I do not believe that it will change the way I see. And, of course, it is not as if I am going to abandon the square format.