color moment #1 ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3
color moment #2 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
color moment #3 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
color moment #4 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
color moment #4 ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3
color moment #5 ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
Recently, on TOP, Mike Johnston presented a 3-part (voluntary) challenge for his followers. In short: 1.identify 25 separate bodies of one's work, 2.from those, select those that one would consider to be one's top 5 bodies of work, and, 3.the payoff - after identifying one's top 5 bodies of work, heed the advice of experts and concentrate all of one's picture making on those 5 catagories.
I did not undertake the challenge for the simple reason that-as anyone can view on the WORK section of this site-I had already identified 39* separate bodies of work. It should be noted that only 7** of those bodies of work were undertaken with the intention of being separate bodies of work. Many of the rest were identified over time by a somewhat unique process.
That process was instigated a number of years ago by an outside source. Specifically, a photo gallery which issues (10-12x a year) submission requests (yielding 2,000-3,000 submisions) for juried theme-based gallery and online exhibitions (FYI, I have about a 65% acceptance rate). Those requests have induced me to repeatedly rumage through my photo library-8,000+ µ4/3 / 7,000+ iPhone pictures-of "finished" pictures in order to identify pictures appropriate for specific theme-based submission.
Inevitably, I begin the process by thinking that I might have a handful of picture possiblities for any given theme only to be genuinely surprised to discover that I have, typically, 50-60 picture possibilities. That is, iMo, enough pictures to establish a separate body of work classification.
Not all searches yield up a legitimate body of work. The pictures in today's entry are a case in point. The exhibition call theme was for pictures which illustrate A Color Moment....
A successful color photograph finds color as an essential element. Without color, the impact of the image would be significantly reduced. When used well, color coalesces with the other elements of the image to create an atmosphere, an emotional response, a sense of place. Effective use of color can take your breath away, zing your eyes, grab your heart, and celebrate light.
....My search for such pictures produced some strong contenders but not enough to justify a separate body of work.
Although, one the bodies of work on my WORK section which is scheduled for deletion, The Color of Light, just might be reincarnated-some pictures deleted, some added-as a new body of work entitled, A Color Moment. However, on that body of work page I will retain the quote by Arthur Meyerson who, by coincidence, is also the juror for the A Color Moment exhibition.
fYi, Color Moment #1 was submitted as a bit of an outlier inasmuch as it is not saturated with color but, as stated in the call for entries, it most definitely conforms to the idea that, "Without color, the impact of the image would be significantly reduced".
*a couple of those bodies of work are schedule to disappear and few new ones are scheduled to replace them.
*1.Rist Camp/35 Days, 2.Art Reflects, 3.Single Women, 4.Life Without the APA, 5.Decay, 6.Picture Windows, 7.What Is a Photograph