(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • m4/3
(embiggenable) • Polaroid SX-70 / m4/3
THERE WAS A TIME IN MY PICTURE MAKING LIFE when I was given to making diptychs and the occasional triptych. That written, over time I made quite a number of both and, stupid me, I never organized them into a single folder / body of work.
One thing I did do, re: diptychs, was to create and organize an exhibit, Photographs in Conversation. In order to create the diptychs, I contacted a few picture makers (from my blog followers) from around the world and invited them to participate in the project.
That participation consisted of my sending one of my pictures-different pictures for each participant-and asking them to send back one of their pictures which created a "conversation" with my picture. Each participant was also requested to send me one of their pictures to which I would respond with a "conversation" appropriate picture. A good time was had by all.
I still continue to made diptychs/triptychs. The iPhone-made diptychs in this entry are recent examples. Some of the other examples date back 25 years or more. That written, it's time to get my act together and organize and edit the existing diptcyh/triptych work.