Ireland ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3
Tuscany ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3
Tuscany ~ (embiggenable) • Pentax K20D
l-r, t-b / Adirondacks•Pittsburgh•Montreal•New Jersey~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
l>r, t>b / Brooklyn•Adirondacks•?•Massachutsetts~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
PREPPING SOME LANDSCAPE PICTURES AS CANIDATES FOR submission to a juried landscape exhibition.
Strangely enough, since the call for entries begins with the phrase "wide open spaces", most of the landscapes I am considering for submission were made outside of the Adirondacks. A few were made with my PENTAX K20D, some with my Olympus cameras and some with my iPhone.
In addition to "wide open spaces", the call for entries also mentioned "urban environments, with people or without, traditional, contemporary, minimalist — however you see the world outside". So I have included some of my the new snapshot and faux-Polaroid pictures under the cover of "contemporary". Which I assume to mean fanciful or manipulated.
When perusing my picture library for theme-based pictures for juries exhibition submission, I often "discover" theretofore enough never recognized pictures to crete a new body of work separate and distinct from any of my existing bodies of work. True to form, that is once again the case here. And, in a very real sense, what a surprise that is cuz....
.... as hard as it is for me to believe, especially so given the fact that I blogged for a decade or more under the name The Landscapist, I have never assembled a body of work titled Landscapes. DUH. What was I thinking? Perhaps Dylan said it best in the song, I've made up my mind to give myself to you, on his new album:
Well, my heart's like a river, a river that sings
Just takes me a while to realize things
In any event, I feel an editing / selecting project comin' on.