at the grocery store ~ Long Lake, NY • in the Adirondack PARK (embiggenable) - picture made with a "real" camera
soon to be on exhibit ~ Photo Place Gallery • Middlebury, VT. (emboggenable)
Thank you for submitting your work for PhotoPlace Gallery’s juried exhibition, "iPhone Imagery". Juror Karen Divine has chosen 31 photographs for the gallery exhibition, and an additional 31 photographs for display in the Online Gallery on the PhotoPlace Gallery website. It’s a wonderful collection of work.
I am very pleased to tell you that one of your images was selected for exhibition in our Middlebury, Vermont gallery. Congratulations!
I am delighted that, after just a couple months since starting my the new snapshot project, one of my the new snapshot pictures was deemed worthy of inclusion in a gallery juried exhibition. I am especially delighted inasmuch as, after viewing the website of the exibition's judge, I didn't think that I had much of chance of being accepted. Coincidentally, the Bakery Window picture is the first the new snapshot picture to be printed large, framed and hung on a wall in my house.
FYI, all of the pictures accepted to the exhibit can be viewed HERE. The pictures are, as my email stated, "a a wonderful collection of (iPhone) work.