JUMPING INTO THE WAY-BACK MACHINE, c.2010, I received an invite to the opening reception of the exhibition, Pioneers of Color ~ Stephen Shore, Joel Meyerowitz, William Eggleston, at the Edwynn Houk Gallery in NYC. Knowing that Shore and Meyerowitz were to be in attendance, I drove to NYC through a nasty snowfall cuz I was not going to miss opening night.
Meyerowitz was my inspiration for diving into large format color picture making. Hence, I adopted his picture making MO - 8x10 view camera with tungsten balanced (3200K) Type L (long exposure) color negative film. The exhibition was fantastic and my perseverance in getting there was rewarded with a nice conversation with Meyerowitz wherein we both shared our surprise and amazement with the expanded color range and highlight / shadow detail we were getting by scanning our color negatives and printing the files with high-end inkjet printers.
FYI, the resulting prints were so different from the results from the same negatives using the C-print process, that we both felt as if we were viewing a brand new picture. The difference was simply amazing.