sweepings ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
ships passing in the snow ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
OVER THE PAST 12+ YEARS I have written thousands, if not 10s of thousands, words about picture making, re: the medium of photography and its apparatus. In addition, I have read even more words about the same.
Over that period of time, my writing / ruminating about the medium and its apparatus, topics both general and specific (but rarely about my picture making), was undertaken, primarily, for the purpose of trying to figure out what I was doing and why I was doing it, picture making wise. Or, in a nut shell, trying to understand my vision. And, I am very pleased to write that I have accomplished my goal.
That written, that endevour has brought me to the point that I am somewhat at a loss for words to write about the medium and its apparatus. That is, I think that I have written, for my purposes, all I have to write.
Nevertheless, for as long as I have been riding that horse, I find myself rather reluctant to dismount inasmuch as there is always something out there, on the web / in books / et al, about which I will always find something to write about.
So, for better or worse, I'll ride on (into the sunset?) and let the words fall where they may.
PS and FYI, all of my past writing may be found not only on this blog but also, if you are interested, HERE. Please note that on this link there is, at the top of that page, a link to even more writing / pictures on yet another of my former blogs.