(embiggenable) • iPhone - read it and weep
(embiggenable) • iPhone - read it and weep
(embiggenable) • iPhone - read it and weep
I use my 4 year old iPhone as a convenience scanner, but rarely for anything that meets the stricter definition of a photograph....smaller companies .... small companies [ed: camera companies] who care intensely about the pursuit of beautiful images .... care more than ever about the importance of artistic photography (which mostly takes place with non-phone cameras)
Ok. I get it. The gearheads and "perfection" crowd loves their stuff but why do they always have to include a slam, re: aimed at anyone who does it in a way that is differnet from their methodology ... "the stricter definition of a photograph", whatever the hell that means. I mean, seriously, my strict definition of a photograph is simply a picture made by a picture making device. End of "definition".
It doesn't matter what device-a "real" camera (analog or digital), a toy camera (holga, et al), a smartphone, a pinhole camera made from a shoe box or whatever-it's all about the photograph, aka: the picture.
The more I run into this attitude, re: my stuff (gear and pictures) are better than your stuff ("mostly") because I use "good / better / best" stuff, the more I am encouraged / determined to launch my smartphone picture gallery. FYI, I have started to lay the groundwork for doing so and, as long as all the moving pieces come together, it's gonna happen.
Wish me luck.