all pictures ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone Xs Max
marsh / Lake Champlain, NY • Adirondack PARK
Place des Arts (just one part thereof) / Montreal, CA.
hotel bar / Montreal, CA.
During my commercial photography days, one of my bigger clients was the Eastman Kodak Co. I did many projects, large and small, for Kodak over the years. One such recurring project was making pictures for Kodak's Joy of Photography series and other how to pocket guides.
FYI, I reference the title Joy of Photography as a metaphoric descriptor of my current picture making state-of-mind. Or, in other words, I am having more fun than a barrel full of monkeys making and processing pictures with the iPhone and the iPad.
To be clear, it should not be inferred from my current picture making state-of-mind that I have ever not enjoyed my picture making - commercial and personal - activities. Rather, it should be understood that I am experiencing a sense of "liberation" attributable to the fact that I am not tethered to "serious" cameras and a "sophisticated" desktop workflow ...
... which means that the visual results of my picture making are - in a Polaroid-like sense - nearly instantaneous. And, I can write with conviction, based my on my experience of making 1000s of Polaroid pictures, there is real joy - which can be shared with others - in seeing a picture come to life so soon after its making.