(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
I NEVER DID FOLLOW UP ON MY DESIRE TO concentrate on making BW pictures while I was at Rist Camp. It is my belief / rationalization that the reason for that is actually rather simple inasmuch as I do not intuitively see in BW.
That written, I am not brain-dead, re: recognizing a decent BW picture making scene when I come upon one, but the idea of traipsing about the landscape concentrating upon finding such an opportunity, just ain't my thing. Seems more like work than pleasure to me.
On a completely different topic, I have begun a concentrated effort to break out of my daily / regular photo blog / site routine. That is, to find some "new faces", picture making wise, cuz my current rota of sites, which a few exceptions, seems to be slip-sliding away into gear or non-photo topics.
One new face I have found is LAURE LAFARGE. I like her work. The only issue is that her last entry was well over a year ago. Her instagram page seems to be equally inactive..