(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO THERE IS ALWAYS A view of a window with a view of something. I call the pictures I make thereof, picture windows.
While my "standard" picture making M.O.-creating an interesting arrangement of visual elements across the 2D printed field of view-is always at the the fore when making such pictures, there is also a metophoric device in play as well. That is, an impression of the world outside is being made from an inside place which is akin to forming an impression, using the human visual apparatus, of the world outside of one's inside place, aka: one's inner self.
If I were so inclined (which I am most definitely not) to spew Academic Lunatic Fringe art speak folderol, I could delve down into the rabbit hole of self-psycho-analytical flapdoodle in an attempt to aggrandize / embellish my creative genius. However, I'll be content to let my pictures speak for themselves, so to speak.