(embiggenable) • µ4/3
(embiggenable) • µ4/3
(embiggenable) • µ4/3
OVER THE PAST FEW DAYS I HAVE been out and about searching for and, consequently, picturing "traditional" gas stations. By "traditional" I mean gas stations which were dedicated to pumping gas (by men in coveralls with greasy hands) and performing auto repairs and maintenance. However, very few (if any) of those meeting that definition still exist.
What does exist, especially so in rural areas like where I live, are many abandoned remnants of gas stations, still in use gas stations-some of which still sell gas-which perform maintenance and repair only-and older gas stations-built in the 50-60s-which have added some sort of quickie-mart / convenience store to the operation. Some architecturally unique / interesting gas stations have been acquired and converted into antique /specialty retail stores.
In any event, my recent driving about picture making has focused on picturing gas stations. A big part of that motivation is devoted to figuring out whether I want to pursue a gas station body of work. Cuz, the fact is that, for a number of reasons, I am not certain that I do wish to do so.
One reason for that hesitancy is that I am not that keen on creating a series of primarily "documentary" pictures. That is, pictures made just to document that something exists. Rather, I want to make pictures which conform to my unique manner of seeing, aka: my vision, which is not so much about what is pictured but more about form.
The thought has occurred to me that, perhaps, this project would best be served by being a subset of my the new snapshot series. BW pictures with a snapshot border might just be appropriate for this project (should I decide to undertake it)....the depicted referents are not dependent upon color to be interesting and the snapshot border supports the idea of another time. I am pretty certain that approach would not be viewed as merely attention-getting gimmickry.
(embiggenable) • µ4/3
That written, over the next couple weeks I will be out and about-with µ4/3 camera / 25mm f1.8 lens attached-looking for gas stations to picture.