(embiggenable) • iPhone / PORTRAIT mode
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
IN THIS ENTRY ARE MOST, BUT not all, of my picture making activity over the last 36 hours. Discursive Promiscuity wise, I did not set out to picture any particular thing / referent during that time frame. In fact, I did not "set out" at all. The activity was instigated soley-as I moved about my world-by whenever and whatever pricked my eye and sensibilities. And, as mentioned in my last entry, during post picture making processing-some on the iPhone, some on the desktop-I was able to sort the pictures into appropriate body of work folders to include, kitchen sink / kitchen life / landscape (ku) / people / gas stations (civilized ku) and a relatively new body of work, narrow DOF.
FYI, promiscuity wise, in addition to my separate body of work folders, I also save all of my pictures, regardless of theme, into 1 of 2 other folders: a) every µ4/3 picture of have ever made, or b) every iPhone picture I have ever made. In total there are approximately 12,200 processed pictures in those 2 folders.
FYI # 2: for the iPhone users or iPhone as a respectalbe picture making device curious followers out there, on the last entry a link to an article, Gueorgui Pinkhassov | Sophistication Simplification, on the Magnum website was left by Geoff Morgan. It's an interesting read. From the article's intro:
Gueorgui Pinkhassov’s new book, Sophistication Simplification, takes the photographer’s Instagram work as a point of departure, in “an attempt to return images from the virtual world into the usual, material one.” On the occasion of its release, the Magnum photographer reflects on his practice, the role of the iPhone and the changing of cultural mores prompted by the digital revolution, changes in the media and the role of photography. The collection of “small sketches made on the run—the fruits of a fleeting moment” is available to purchase through his publisher.