(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
NOT MUCH OF ANY SIGNIFICANCE OCCURRED over the past 10 days (or so). Had an average snow fall, there was some stuff in the kitchen sink and I saw the hint of a rainbow through the windshield of our new car.
Some might think buying a new car is rather significant, but it was more of a deja vu event for us inasmuch as it was the 2nd new car for us over the last 2.5 months. In fact, the new car seemed less significant cuz, from a visual POV, it is the exact same car-make, model, color, etc.-as the car we purchased 2.5 months ago ( and traded in for the "new" car).
However, to be honest, the "new" car is not identical to the "old" car. The "new" car has a turbo engine / drive-train that the "old" car did not have, cuz it was not available at the time of our first "new" car purchase. In any event, the wife has made the sales manager at the car dealship agree to not sell me another new car for at least 6 months. I should be able to survive that embargo.
There was one other development recently wherein I was introduced to the concept that a picture maker could actually have a "favorite" viewfinder. Say what? Really?
When I tried to contemplate the possibility, my brain locked up and posted a warning about a possible meltdown. So, I put the idea out of my head and into my really-stupid-things-people-dream-up bin and went out for a drive in our "new" car - a much better way to spend some of my time.