Adirondack Mts., across Lake Champlain, from my Vermont hospital window ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
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OK. It's been a while since I posted an entry. But, then again, I am a new man since my last entry - successful (so far) scarring of the interior walls of my heart (ablation) and, unexpectedly, my very own pacemaker - after the ablation my heart rate was 40bpm or a beat or 2 one way or the other. So it was deemed advisable to install a pacemaker to obtain and maintain a heart rate of 68-70bpm.
So, here I sit on light duty status for the next 3 weeks waiting for the pacemaker to phyically settle into my body and for the acommpanying incision to heal. FYI, the pacemaker insertion was performed while I was awake ("relaxed" but awake) ... I was able, during the procedure, to ask the surgeon, "Are you cutting me with the thingy that cauterizes the wound at the same time it cuts?" His answer was direct and to the point, "Yes. That's exactly what I am doing."
In any event, on our way home, we took the ferry across Lake Champlain on a very pleasant summer-like day. Which made for a very nice transition from a hospital bed to home.