Lake Champlain / Au Sable Point ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
booths / Port Henry Diner ~ Port Henry, NY - (embiggenable) • iPhone
Champy ~ Port Henry, NY - (embiggenable) • iPhone
diner ~ Port Henry, NY - (embiggenable) • iPhone
booth~ Port Henry, NY - (embiggenable) • iPhone
Over on TOP, a bit of advice was suggested by Kenneth Tanaka:
If I could offer any bit of advice to Mark it would be to drop the 'iPhone Made' distinction .... Just take the photos and merge them into the crowd according to the moments or concepts that propelled them.
When I print my pictures-for gallery display, photo books or just for my walls-iPhone pictures and "real" camera pictures are not identified by picture making device of origin. In those cases, a picture is just a picture.
However, when it comes to my website / blog, I do distinguish the picture making device of origin for one primary reason. That is, I have become an iPhone picture making capability enthusiast /advocate to the point that I conduct occasional iPhone technique-to include on phone processing-workshops. I do so for just the pure enjoyment I get from passing on my experience to others who are able to benefit from it.
When I advertise workshop dates, I direct those who are interested to my website / blog in order that they might view the iPhone (or similar device) picture making capability. In this case the iPhone Made nomenclature serves a meaningful function.
FYI, All pictures in this entry were made with the iPhone. With exception of the Lake Champlain picture, all pictures were processed on the iPhone using Snapseed. After Snapseed processing, the Polariod pictures were created using the Instant app.
The Lake Champlain picture, because I consider it to be a "serious" picture, was Snapseed processed on the iPhone for only highlight capture and a very small amount of shadow lightening. The file was subsequently downloaded from my iCloud storage and the remainder of the processing was performed using PS and my "standard" "serious" picture processing workflow.