Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground - Talking Heads
Life flows by like a river. I think of it as a river of time - a metaphor of our lives as we experience it. When we make photographs, we have ability to snatch a moment-most often a mere fraction of a second-from the flow of time and render it indelibly for anyone to see at any time. And, perhaps, to experience it-the moment-vicariously again and again until the end of (their) allotted time.
That written, at my ripe-old age of 76 my life seems to be flowing by like speeding train. And, at times, I wonder if my constant-near daily-making of photographs of seemingly inconsequential things in or around my house is a subconscious attempt to slow things / time down. To hold on to and appreciate every moment that is left to me.
On the other hand, to avoid going down a self-analytical rabbit hole-ya know, like the Academic Lunatic Fringe who try to force-cram self-referential meaning into their pictures-I can write that I am just making pictures of what I see and how I see it, aka:my vision. It’s what I do and have done for a long, long time. That’s simply cuz I have not ever been able to locate the off button for my eye and sensibilities mechanism. It-my picture making propensity-is most likely nothing more than just that.
In any event, the actual point I am driving at in this entry is that I simply do not understand those picture makers who are constantly whining about a lack of “inspiration”. A shortage of which is keeping them from getting out making pictures. To which I write…
…get over it. iMo, “inspiration” has nothing to do with it. Rather, the “desire” to make pictures has everything to do with it. That and fostering one’s intrinsic / native vision. If you don’t have a recognized and understood (by you) vision, just get out there, start making pictures and find it.
When it comes right down to it, as in my case, one does not have to even “get out there”. I see enough picture making possibilities in and around my house to keep me busy for a lifetime.
FYI, the pictures in this entry are but a few of the around the house pictures I have made over the past week or so.