koyaanisqatsi ~ looking through a wine glass (embiggenable) • iPhone
I HAVE NEVER BEEN A USER OF FILTERS FOR EFFECTS. And, even though the picture in this entry may appear to have been created with a filter, it was not. In fact, it was made looking into a wine glass and making the picture through the curved portion the glass (note the rim of the glass in the upper left of the photo). Consequently, I can still cling to the idea that this is a "straight" photograph.
Re: my last entry about pictures needing words-the fewer the better-to contextualize a picture maker's intent, the word for this picture is "koyaanisqatsi". A Hopi word denoting choatic life or life out of balance. Also a word that I would suggest is an apt description of life as we currently know it.
That written, the challenge for me now is to determine if this picture making approach is a valid idea for making pictures during life during wartime. Or, instead, if it is nothing more than a cheap trick.