3 animals ~ (embiggenable)
Rist • the last PM ~ (embiggenable)
Rist • the last AM ~ (embiggenable)
10 AM ~ (embiggenable)
1 PM ~ (embiggenable)
BACK HOME AND WORKING WITH PS ONCE AGAIN. After nearly 7 weeks away from home and my desktop set up, I am realizing, now that I am back in the PS saddle, how much I depend upon PS to realize the full implementation of my picture making vision.
It’s not that I make any drastic / dramatic file processing procedures with PS. Rather, it’s a host of small, subtle adjustments that I feel significantly impact the look and feel of my prints. And, many of those adjustments are simply not possible to achieve with any mobile device software. I can come close enough-for web presentation-but not enough for the finished look and feel I want in my prints.
BTW, working from the iPhone RAW DNG files with the full PS software makes me really appreciate the file quality of those files. Really pretty amazing.
WARNING semi-gear stuff: Even thou I have not used it much lately, I have not completely abandoned my µ4/3 gear. However, I do haul it around on trips and shorter get-a-ways just in case I want to make a picture of something that is to far away for the iPhone reach. At which point, I mount up my 50>200mm f2.8-100>400mm eq.-Zuiko lens on my E-P5 and snap away. FYI, that large lens on the small E-P5 is truly a case of the tail wagging the dog.
That written. my E-P5 is getting rather long in the tooth and prudence dictates that it just might be time for a replacement. At this stage of my life it would most likely be my forever camera. However, replacement wise, I have been far less than enamored with the available candidates.
I have no interest in the multi-thousand dollar Olympus wunderbar cameras. That’s cuz, in large part, I don’t want a DSLR form-factor camera. I much prefer a rangefinder-like form-factor. But that’s a form-factor that the Olympus Systems camera maker has seemingly abandoned.
So imagine my surprise and delight upon discovering that a new rangefinder-like Olympus Systems camera, the E-P7, has been introduced. It is, essentially, an E-P5 upgrade or, depending on your perspective, an Oly PEN downgrade (Oly PEN minus a few that-I-don’t-care-about features).
The only problem is that it is not available in the US. However, it is showing up for order on some e-bay and used camera sites. And, at a very reasonable price - $600-700USD range. On the other hand, my son is currently in Japan for a 2 week vacation…hhmmmm.