# 6509-13 / autumn • common places-things ~ the riffraff are ruining the clubhouse

all photos (embiggenable)

PEAK AUTUMNAL COLOR IS NOW PAST PEAK and, cuz it has been very windy, falling fast. Which is not to write that the trees are bare but that now there are leaves on the ground to complete the picture.

Writing of pictures, the top picture and the Halloween diorama in this entry were made with the new iPhone 16 PRO MAX. And, no, I am not gonna write a review other than to write that the camera module in the 16 is a significant improvement in a significant number of ways over previous versions, and, the Camera Control Button is pure technical genius.ASIDE if you want to read a really good / interesting review, read this. END ASIDE

If you are not inclined to read the linked review-it’s long and detailed-here is an excerpt that should be read by the oh-no-the-sky-is-falling (re: cameras, Photography Division) crowd:

If you want a quick verdict: the iPhone 16 Pro is a tremendous camera because between Camera Control, Zero Shutter Lag and its advanced Photographic Styles, it will capture more moments than any iPhone ever did by a huge margin…

That being said, there’s a larger feeling I am left with after reviewing this device in my hands.….in my day, a camera was a thing you took photos on. Not a computer brain’s eyes to the world. Perhaps I am feeling this is a big change because possibly, this is the close to the last of its kind or the link in evolution: an iPhone that has long since redefined what a phone is, but is about to redefine what a camera is, and what photography means.

This iPhone is a camera.….Apple adding the a new control - a button, a dial - to iPhone isn’t a move it does casually. It’s an admission of a fundamental change…that iPhones are far less phones today, and far more cameras.

But many feel like something was lost….But as a photographer, remember that ‘camera’ might really mean something entirely different than what we are used to — phones once made phone calls. Today, cameras take photos. In the future? Perhaps this is much more a lens to see and process the world with. A camera, as it is defined in the 21st century.

My 2 cents: the problem that “serious” amateur picture makers, Photography Division, have with the iPhone camera is, iMo, the fact that the picture making riffraff, aka: non-serious prople, have gained access to the formerly exclusive clubhouse. That is, Apple-just like KODAK did with their you push the button, we do the rest-has put a camera in the hands of the average every-person that allows them to make “good”* pictures with relative ease; no special knowledge required….YIKES!!!!! Before you know it, they will be making good pictures of people, places, and events in their lives that mean something to them. Others-those with a vision to express-may also use the Apple picture making device to create Art (of one kind or another).

In either case, I simply do not see the problem cuz who gives a rat’s ass about what picture making device they use in their picture making endeavors?

*proper focus, exposure, color, and definition.