early morning sunlight ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
Lake George / Raquette Lake ~ in the Adirondack PARK (embiggenable) • µ4/3
Work continues on the Adirondack Snapshot Project.
I have selected 278 pictures from my picture library. That number will be further reduced to 264 - 8 books with 33 pictures each, accompanied by 5"x5" prints of all 278 pictures.
With such a large quantity of pictures, it only makes sense to display them in a gallery or a gallery like setting. And, quite frankly, the strength of the work is primarily dependent upon on the very broad scope - in pictures and in time - of the pictures. I reallt believe that walking into a gallery space and seeing all 278 prints+8books at once really drives home the magnitude of the project.
That written, I see an exhibit in which the prints are displayed on photo ropes which run continuously along the walls of a gallery. That presentation could be either a run of 1 set of photo ropes or 2 sets, one above the other. The books would be present on book pedestals along the walls.
At home, I can easily display 1 book and the accompanying prints on the walls of my mini in-home gallery space. With the ease of the photo rope's magnetic mounting, the groups could be dispalyed on a rotating basis.