(embiggenable) • µ4/3
Last year I had an exhibit of my pictures, Photographs in Conversion. Each print was a diptych with pictures which were intended to "speak" to each other. Each diptych was comprised of 1 of my pictures with another one made by someone else.
I worked with 10 other picture makers from around the world. I would send them a picture and they would respond with one of their's which related to / spoke to my picture. In some case, they sent one of their pictures to me and I responded in kind.
The exhbit was interactive inasmuch as, in addition to the exhibit prints, I supplied a box full of 5x5 inch prints and 2 photo ropes in order for viewers to make their own photos in conversation sets. All in all, it was a fun endevour, both in the making and the interaction.
Anyone out there interested in a second attempt? If so, send me an email and I'l get back to you.
FYI, clicking on conversations in the categories link at the bottom left of this entry will take you to more photographs in conversation.