(embiggenable) • iPhone
TRUE BE TOLD, MY PICTURE MAKING M.O., during this life during wartime event, has not changed at all. I am not sure what it was that I was expecting to change, nevertheless, I thought something might change. However, for me, everything picture making wise is the same as it ever was.
The only exception might be that I am a bit more prolific inasmuch as, other than traveling for pleasure, I am making more pictures than is "normal" for me. That situation just may be because I am chasing some illusive referent(s) that says, unequivocally, this is life during wartime, aka: life during coronavirus. Or maybe not.
In any event, I do have an idea for depicting life during wartime. Unfortunately, it would involve multiple people on location(s) acting out, under my direction, scenes which illustrate how people might be interacting, for better or for worse, during this stressful time....aka: making tableaux vivant. The unfortunate part of this idea is that this not the time for heading out with a number of people in tow and then milling about a location in close proximity to one another.
Pulling this off would be no problem. In my commercial advertising career, I created, directed and pictured, for clients, hundreds of marketing / advertising tableux vivant on location and on studio sets, almost always with professional models. So, maybe when the life during watime has simmered down, that might be time to give it a go.
The only problem I foresee is the question, for what purpose / to what end?