Erica on the Hudson RIver ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
trout/Wild Center ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
blast furnace ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone
Expanded captions:
Erica on the Hudson River - this location is adjacent to the remains of the McIntrye Iron Works (built 1849). At this location, the Hudson is approximately 1/8 mile from the river's source.
trout/ Wild Center - the rainbow trout is in a giant life-like river exhibit at the Wild Center, a center devoted to the natural world of the Adirondack PARK.
blast furnace - the McIntrye Iron Works' blast furnace (built 1849) and iron works was in operation for only 2 years. In addition to the problem of getting the processed iron ore out of the remote location, there was an "impurity" in the ore which made it very difficult to process. The "impurity" was discovered, in the 1930s, to be titanium whereupon a giant mine works was built (in use until 1962) near the original site. The government built a railroad into the site in order to obtain the titanium for use in WWII.