wedding on a farm ~ near Pittsburgh, PA. (embiggenable) • iPhone
wedding on a farm ~ near Pittsburgh, PA. (embiggenable) • iPhone
LITTLE KIDS IN THE WEDDING PARTY. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE CHALLENGING than making a picture of them acting terminally cute / cliched?
There are many reasons-and that one is near the top of the list-why I would rather have gouged my eyes out than do wedding photography. That written, I have a fair amount of respect for those who choose to pursue a wedding photography career cuz they have to have the patience of Job and the boredom-avoiding tolerance of making the same pictures over and over...different days, different places, different faces but the same pictures over and over again.
I think I was successful in making a few non-cute/cliched kid pictures this past weekend in Pittsburgh, PA. That is to write, successful for me inasmuch as, were I to have presented these pictures to a client, the comments might have ranged from, (the group picture) why aren't the kids all smiling and looking at the camera? to (girl walking out of the barn picture) I wish you would have gotten closer.