# 6465-68 / windshields • hockey ~ and now for something completely different

he’s a Vermont Lumberjack and he’s OK ~ (embiggenable)

waiting in line for the ferry ~ (embiggenable)

sunset as viewed from on the ferry ~ (embiggenable)

I BEGAN MY µ4/3 LIFE WITH THE PURCHASE OF an Olympus E-3 DSLR - pre-mirrorless era. After moving on to Olympus mirrorless cameras, I used the E-3 as a prop inasmuch as, when making pictures for commercial assignments, I had it around on shoots to validate to the client the idea-image wise (in the personal image sense)-that I was a professional photographer. In other words, pay no attention to those little amateur looking cameras which, of course, were making much better image files than the big impressive looking camera.

That written, this weekend past, I was tasked with making pictures of my hockey-playing (Juniors in the Eastern Hockey League) grandson (FYi, he’s playing his way up the ladder to college hockey). So, out comes the E-3, emerging from its current state as a paperweight, cuz it is, together with my 50-200 f2.8 lens (e10-400mm), my best tool for hockey action picture making. It has been so long since I have used the camera, that I had to almost relearn how to use it. Not to mention the time spent finding all the pieces - batteries, charger, cards, camera strap, et al.

In any event, one of the challenges of making reasonably sharp hockey action pictures is the problem, at ice level, of shooting through glass. That is, “glass” which is actually well scratched and marred plexiglass. Fortunately, a tele lens focused on a referent well away from the glass helps diminish, but not eliminate, the scratches and mars but, nevertheless, you are still shooting through what might be labeled as a pretty thick diffusion filter.

My grandson’s team, the Vermont Lumberjacks’-hence the spiffy red checked, flannel pajama -looking uniform-home rink is in Vermont and it requires a ferry ride across Lake Champlain to see a game. Last evening, on our ferry ride home, the wife and I were treated to very nice sunset which was very different from our midnight-a pitch black, cloudless sky before moonrise-ferry ride home after Saturday night’s game.

# 6443-50 / bodies of work ~ stumbling down a dead end street #2

the kitchen sink ~ (embiggenable)

legs and heels ~ (embiggenable)

still life ~ (embiggenable)

facades ~ (embiggenable)

Life without the APA ~ (embiggenable)

picture windows ~ (embiggenable)

tangles ~ (embiggenable)

single women ~ (embiggenable)

Adirondack Snapshot Project ~ (embiggenable)

ACCORDING TO THE IDIOT QUOTED IN MY LAST entry, I have apparently been “repeating the same basic work, for decades and decades, unaware that I have been stumbling down a dead end street”. That would be because I have been making pictures driven by my very own picture making vision. A vision that does not allow me to go careening around the technique / visual effects / gear-obsessed picture making landscape like a drunken sailor. To wit, I see what I see and that’s how that I see (all credit to Popeye who said, “ I am what I am and that’s all that I am.)

That written, re: careening around like a drunken sailor, I will readily admit to careening around the referent landscape like a drunken picture maker. A picture making condition condition (affliction?) that I call discursive promiscuity. To my eye and sensibilities, any thing and every thing is fair game for a picture making possibility. The result of that discursive promiscuity is that I have accumulated, over the past 25 years, at least 15,000 pictures.

One might think that that glut of pictures would make for a very unruly mess. However, that is not the case cuz, thanks to the guidance of my vision, the overwhelming majority of my pictures exhibit a consistent,-but not formulaic-very particular attention to form, aka: the “arrangement” of the visual elements-line, shape, tone, color and space-within the imposed frame of my pictures.

This “consistency” leads to a very interesting result; while I rarely work with the thought of creating a body of work in mind, nevertheless, I have, over an extended period of time, realized that my eye and sensibilities have been, and still are, drawn to specific referents again and again. The result is that eventually-many times over the course of years-I “discover” that I have, in fact-albeit inadvertently, created many bodies of work.

ASIDE the body of works illustrated above, with a few images each, are some of the bodies of work I have created, most of which were “discovered” in my library (as opposed to deliberately created). The are at least 6 more bodies of work I could display. END OF ASIDE

And, what I find interesting and very surprising is that, once a number of referent related pictures are organized into a body of work, the coherent consistency of vision is, quite frankly, amazing.

Makes me quite happy that I have not tried to “re-invent” my vision. And BTW, I really like the “street” I am on. It is not a “dead end” and, in fact, there is no end in sight as far as I can see.

# 6423-37 / comon places • common things • still life • people ~ meaninng schmeaning

Quality butcher ~ Scotland (embiggenable)





Photographs, which cannot themselves explain anything, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy.” ~ Susan Sontag

IN MY LAST ENTRY I PROCLAIMED THAT, re: the medium of photography and its apparatus, it’s the same as it ever was. I believe that to be true albeit with one notable exception; the Major League Division of the Fine Art Photography World. To wit…

Over the past decade or two, fine art photo galleries and art institutions have been taken over-I would venture to write”hijacked”-by the Academic Lunatic Fringe. That is, at the directorial level graduate degrees-MAs /MFAs-are the norm and, consequently, the work being exhibited or acquired adheres to the ALF dictum of meaning trumps visual content. Or, in other words, what a picture means is much more important than what a picture depicts. Concept is the thing, which quite frankly is to be expected of academia, aka: the home of ideas.

The unfortunate (iMo) results are two-fold; 1) most ALF pictures are, to my eye and sensibilities, visual flops, and, 2) the pictures are always accompanied by a bloviating art speak explanation, re: what the pictures mean. The explanations are, iMo, virtually indispensable inasmuch as the pictures, in and of themselves, are rarely self-explanatory. In fact, after being told by a picture maker exactly what his/her pictures are about, I rarely see in his/her pictures whatever it is the maker is trying to express.

University presses [ed. +fine art photo book publishers] increasingly hold to the policy that requires books of pictures to incorporate “substantial” texts…. layering together pictures with the photographer’s words, [ed. or more likely an academic’s essay] but also sandwiching the concoction between slabs of social—scientific balloon bread. ~ Robert Adams

To be completely honest, I should make it clear that my dislike, re: this sad state of photographic affairs, is predicated upon a very selfish desire to be visually engaged when viewing photographs on a gallery / art institution (or even online) wall. That is, as opposed to pictures of the self-pyschoanalyzing, navel gazing “investigations” by some so-called lens-based artist’s obsession with the “intersection” of some aspect of a social-scientific balloon bread concept and his/her inner self/life.

# 6412-14 / windshields • landscape • (un)common places ~ throwing stones




TRUE TO MY PLEDGE IN MY LAST ENTRY, during my time out and about yesterday, I kept my eye open for the making of additional windshield series pictures. While I made a straight picture of the scene, I have to admit that I am becoming even more enamored of the windshield-type views.

Last evening during my 40 mile drive to Saranac Lake-through a driving snowfall-for the World University Games curling semi-finals, I did not make any windshield pictures. The event- GBR v. CAN / USA v. SUI, won by USA and GBR, who will play for the gold medal-was a great example of cowbell madness. What a riotous racket.

After the games, the drive home was even more adventurous than the drive in. So, no more windshield pictures were made. However, today’s drive in to Lake Placid for the Short Track Speed Skating event might be windshield productive.

# 6407-11 / windshield series ~ keep your eyes on the road








WHILE RUMAGING AROUND LOOKING FOR PICTURES for the Philosophy of Modern Pictures book/project, I discovered that, yet again, there was an unintentionally-made body of work lurking in my picture library. I have labeled it as the windshield series. Although, if it is ever exhibited in Great Britain, it will be the windscreen series.

The pictures in this entry are few examples of pictures from the series. A series of which I am quite fond. So much so that I will begin to deliberately seek out such picture making possibilities. Those possibilities should not be hard to come by inasmuch as I live in a geographic anomaly in that I am at least 30 miles from everywhere.

# 6406 / the new snapshot ~ playing games


It rarely occurs to such a photographer” - (the lowly householder who desires only to have a camera around the house) “to take a picture of something, say a Venetian fountain, without a loved one standing directly in front of it and smiling into the lensbecause of his very artlessness, and his very numbers, the nameless picture maker may in the end be the truest and most valuable recorder of our times. He never edits; he never editorializes; he just snaps away and sends the film off to be developed, all the while innocently freezing forever the plain people of his time in all their lumpishness, their humanity, and their universality.” ~ Jean Shepherd

BEEN AWAY FROM MY BLOG ENTRY MAKING station for a few days cuz I+wife were entertaining some out-of-town family and hanging around various Olympic venues-curling, speed-skating, ski jumping-watching the Lake Placid 2023 FISU World University Games - 11 days, 2500 athletes from 600 universities and 50 countries competing in 12 winter sports.

We are, and will continue to be after our guests have left, planning to continue with watching the curling competition and the ice hockey semi and final rounds. Last evening we attending the men/woman’s ski jumping competition which was won by a Polish woman and Pakistani man respectively.

FYI, while all of the competitors are students, some are also World Cup / Olympic athletes so we are seeing some pretty damn good performances. Tickets for most events are $15US-$9US with the locals 40% discount. That’s a pretty good bang for the buck.

# 6389-95 / common places / things ~ free and easy








DISCLAIMER: OVER MY YEARS OF READING ANY THING I COULD get my hands on (books) or find online, re: the medium and its apparatus, numerous words / phrases / paragraphs / et al have popped up which, to my way of thinking, have relevance to my manner of making pictures. And, over those same years, I have used many of those descriptors on my blog(s) or when talking about my work. ASIDE when using a full paragraph, aka: excerpt, I always include an attribution END OF ASIDE.

That written, one characteristic of my pictures, about which I have made plain, is the fact that my eye and sensibilities are pricked by the quotidian, aka: the “stuff” of everyday life. Or to put it another way…I like to take into account, picture making wise, much that barely impinges, for most, on consciousness, even though it makes up the usual stuff of our lives.

Consequently, since my mind and eye is open to any and all picture making possibilities, I never know where in the world I will “find” my next picture. And, it is precisely that “uncertainty” / openness-my complete lack of previsualization-that allows my seemingly innate vision to impose its will upon / respond to how I “see” / “feel” the correct configuration of visual elements of any slice of the world that pricks my eye and sensibilities.

Simply written, I do not “work” a subject nor I do not “think” about what I am doing. I spontaneously point my picture making device toward whatever has prick my eye and sensibilities, adjust my POV-guided by what I see on the device’s display-until the configuration of the subject feels “correct”-quite obviously determined by my eye and sensibilities-and then activate the shutter. Wham bam, thank you mam.

On those occasions when a picture making effort “works”, that picture is something of a visual delight / revelation to my eye and sensibilities. And that is the reason why I can not stop making pictures.

# 6380-82 / around the house • common things ~ what field are you playing on?




A CONSIDERABLE PART OF PART OF the philosophy of modern pictures project is attempting to get an overview handle on what’s going on in the picture making world.

FYI, I have, for my purposes, divided that world into 2 categories; the snapshots and art worlds. However, to be more precise, the art world is split into 2 categories; decorative art and fine art. And, just to further define things, I have divided the fine art world into 2 sub-categories; the minor leagues and the major leagues.

In keeping with my previous post, wherein I wrote about my target audience, aka: me, of all of the above described picture making categories, the one I am most interesting in addressing in the PoMP project is the fine art / minor leagues category. That’s cuz that’s the category in which I toil, picture making wise. And, I believe that it is that category which holds a significant number of picture makers who are striving to make fine art but who will not make it to the major leagues.

So, in order to for my project to have value for that constituency, I believe that, having toiled in the minor leagues-with considerable success-for a significant part of my picture making life, passing on my experiences therein should be of interest to those working in the same picture making world.

All of that written, and returning to my opening remark, re: attempting to get an overview handle on what’s going on in the picture making world, I came across an item that might be of interest, what’s going on wise, to my blog followers. A collection of approximately 750 pictures which, by the slant of the site on which they are presented, are a fair representation of what’s going on in the minor leagues. And, FYI, if a picture catches your eye, there is usually a link to the picture maker’s site where more of their work can be viewed.