(embiggenable) • iPhone
(embiggenable) • iPhone
THE PAST FEW DAYS HAVE YIELDED UP A WEALTH of picture making opportunities in my kitchen.
Amongst many things, the light has been nice and interesting (iMo) serendipitous arrangements of things have been popping up here and there. The picturing results, to my eye and sensibilities, are visually very interesting and rather captivating.
That written, I am well aware that, for any number of reasons, these pictures may not be interesting and captivating to many viewers. That's fine with me cuz I am making pictures that suit my eye and sensibilities. Which, unless one has to pander to the masses for the sake of profit (not at all a bad thing), making pictures that suit one's personal vision should be how one goes about making pictures.
In any event, from time to time I do question the idea of what my vision dictates, art sensibility wise, as a good picture. That is, my vision dictates that a good picture (or any art) must, first and foremost, be visually interesting and captivating (regardless of what the depicted referent might be).
That dictate is cuz I believe the best pictures (or any art) should prick the eye, the viewer's visual apparatus, rather than the brain, the viewer's thinking apparatus. Which is to write that I believe that the best art is directed toward sight, aka: seeing, as opposed to "thought", aka thinking.
Or, to break it down even further, when making/ viewing pictures (or any art), I want to "feel" something rather than "think" something.
That doesn't make me a shallow person, does it?
ADDENDUM "Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts." ~ Walker Evans