# 5545-48 / the light ~ there is just light

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone / µ4/3

5 MORE POSSIBILITIES FOR SUBMISSION TO THE Finding the Light juried exhibition.

While the first group of possibilities feature more dramatic light, this group features less dramatic light. Nevertheless, the light does highlight the pictured referents quite nicely. That written, both groups were created with daylight. My next group will feature after dark available light.

In all probabilty my final group of 5-6 pictures for submission will contain a mixture of pictures from each group.

# 5539-43 / the light ~ pursued or in pursuit

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone / µ4/3

ON ONE HAND, GEORGE EASTMAN said (or wrote):

"Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography".

On the othe hand, Brooks Jensen wrote:

"There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" photographic light. There is just light".

Obviously, these 2 ideas about light are quite contradictory. While one opinion treats light with the utmost reverence, the other treats in a rather casual manner. Nevertheless, one way or the other, in the absence of light, there is no photography.

From day one in my picture making life, I have scrupulously avoided following the "chase the light" school of picture making. That's the one described by Sally Eauclaire-in her book, THE NEW COLOR-as ...

"....many photographers consider visual and/or sentimental excesses as key to expressivity...Their lust for effect is everywhere apparent. Technical wizardry amplifies rather than recreates on-site observations. Playing to the multitude of viewers who salivate at the sight of nature (in the belief that good and god are immanent), such photographers often choose such picturesque subject matter as prodigous crags, rippling sands, or flaming sunsets. Drawing upon the Hudson River School's legacy in painting, they burden it with ever coarser effects. Rather than humbly seek out the "spirit of fact", they assume the role of God's art director making His immanence unequivocal and protrusive."

I have avoided playing the role of God's art director inasmuch as I am much more interested in seeking out the "spirit of fact". A practice which most commonly is labeled as "straight" photography.

All of that written, there are times when, as I have written in the past, that "the light" has chased me. At those times, unlike most of my picture making, it is "the light" itself which causes me to make a picture. Unlike the "light chasers", I have just been lucky enough to have been in the "right" place at the "right" time with the "right" light, presenting me with the opportunity to make an interesting picture.

In any event, this entry was instigated by the fact that I have been rummaging through my picture library looking for pictures to submit to a a juried exhibition with the theme of Finding the Light. I have narrowed it down to about 25 possibles. The real challenge is getting it down to 5-6 pictures for submission,

landscape / around the house # 3652-54 ~ waiting for rain

in Nova Scotia ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3rd

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

INCREASINGLY I FIND MYSELF BEING DRAWN TO MAKING pictures which are without any apparent center of attention / featured referent. Which, by extension, would seem to suggest that those pictures have no particular meaning or considered intent. That, quite simply, they are, just pictures.

However, don't be fooled. I am making these pictures with a very well considered intent to convey a concept, or, if you will, a "meaning". And, be advised that my head is working at explaining the intent / meaning-without having to delve into arcane / obtuse artspeak gibberish-of the concept driving this work.

More to come.

flora / kitchen life / # 3646-48 ~ waiting game

outside ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3rd

ephemera ~ (emvigeenable) • iPhone

inside ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

IF MY INFORMATION IS CORRECT, YESTERDAY WAS CAMERA DAY. That is not a date which is marked on my calender. Although, truth be told, I do not have any dates marked on my calender simply because I do not have a calender.

In any event, as it happens, I have actually been thinking about a camera. An Olympus Pen F to be exact. That's cuz, now that Olympus (my long-time camera brand of choice) is getting out of the camera business, I am thinking now is the time to purchase a new body which, hopefully, will last me until I pass over to the the big darkroom in the sky.

However, it is still early in the game, re: the new entity that will acquire the Olympus photo gear operation, to know what kind of ongoing support will be available for what remains of the photo product line. Panasonic is an option but it remains to be seen what their commitment to the µ4/3rd format will be without Olympus in the game. That written, with the advanced-amateur camera market in free-fall, who knows where any camera maker is headed.

All of that written, you might wonder why, with my nearly exclusive use of my iPhone for my picture making, I am even considering a new camera. The answer is quite simple: 1.) I can not ever imagine giving up making pictures with a real camera. There are some picture making requirements that the iPhone does not meet to my satisfaction, and, 2.) there is at least one picture making project I wish to undertake that the iPhone can not give me the look I am seeking, i.e. narrow depth of field with a wide angle lens-see the above outside picture which was made with a 24mm (equivalent) lens on one of my µ4/3rd camera.

All things considered, re: a new camera body, I think a waiting game is in order to determine how things will shake out. In the meantime, my current µ4/3rd gear is giving me exactly what I want, so, it's on with the show.

landscapes / 3631-41 ~ however you see the world outside

Ireland ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3

Tuscany ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3

Tuscany ~ (embiggenable) • Pentax K20D

l-r, t-b / Adirondacks•Pittsburgh•Montreal•New Jersey~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

l>r, t>b / Brooklyn•Adirondacks•?•Massachutsetts~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

PREPPING SOME LANDSCAPE PICTURES AS CANIDATES FOR submission to a juried landscape exhibition.

Strangely enough, since the call for entries begins with the phrase "wide open spaces", most of the landscapes I am considering for submission were made outside of the Adirondacks. A few were made with my PENTAX K20D, some with my Olympus cameras and some with my iPhone.

In addition to "wide open spaces", the call for entries also mentioned "urban environments, with people or without, traditional, contemporary, minimalist — however you see the world outside". So I have included some of my the new snapshot and faux-Polaroid pictures under the cover of "contemporary". Which I assume to mean fanciful or manipulated.

When perusing my picture library for theme-based pictures for juries exhibition submission, I often "discover" theretofore enough never recognized pictures to crete a new body of work separate and distinct from any of my existing bodies of work. True to form, that is once again the case here. And, in a very real sense, what a surprise that is cuz....

.... as hard as it is for me to believe, especially so given the fact that I blogged for a decade or more under the name The Landscapist, I have never assembled a body of work titled Landscapes. DUH. What was I thinking? Perhaps Dylan said it best in the song, I've made up my mind to give myself to you, on his new album:

Well, my heart's like a river, a river that sings
Just takes me a while to realize things

In any event, I feel an editing / selecting project comin' on.

kitchen sink / intimate landscape / # 3622-23 ~ parts is just parts

(embiggenable) • µ4/3 (cuz my iPhone was upstairs in my studio)

(embiggenable) • CANON Powershot G series camera

WHILE READING A NY TIMES INTERVIEW WITH BOB DYLAN,, re; his new album Rough and Rowdy WAYS, I encountered this quote from Dylan...

It’s the combination of them that adds up to something more than their singular parts. To go too much into detail is irrelevant. The song is like a painting, you can’t see it all at once if you’re standing too close. The individual pieces are just part of a whole.

Dylan was talking about 3 names strung together in the song, I Contain Multitudes but, from my perspective, the except could very well apply to my pictures. It could also apply to the pictures made by others that I enjoy viewing. And, actually, when I think about it, that pretty much defines, in large part, what I consider to be good art, any art.

And, by extension, that also explains why I never had any desire whatsoever to acquire a picture making device which produced bleeding edge and eye sharpness...

... think about it this way - I live in a forest. When I make a picture of/in the forest-and even though the forest is filled with trees-my pictures are not about the trees, per se. My pictures are about the forest. In other words, I do not want a viewer of my pictures of the forest to miss the forest for the trees.

As Dylan said, "To go too much into detail is irrelevant."

intimate landscape (ku) / #3613-15 ~ it never occurred to me

(embiggenable) • µ4/3

(embiggenable) • µ4/3

(embiggenable) • µ4/3 / iPhone

ONE LESSON LEARNED FROM YESTERDAY'S WALK IN THE woods and from hindsight gained from re-visiting my early intimate landscape pictures is that my eye and senibilities are, most definitely, not pricked by the color green. And, truth be told, that fact never occurred to me before in my picture making life.

However, point in fact, it is not so much the color green itself, rather it is the fact that I am not generally inspired to make landscape pictures during the green, green, green of summer. Not that I do not make landscape pictures with the color green in them, but that those such pictures rarely feature or are "about" the color green.

In my non-picture making life, green is OK. After purchasing our house, we painted it green. The walls in our master bedroom suite are painted with 2 subtely different shades of green. The wainscoting in 2 of our bathrooms are painted green. And, the love-seat and chairs in our living room are light shades of green (although, the wife insists that the love-seat is grey). The cabinets in our kitchen are green. However, all of that written, the greens in question are all middle tones or lighter of a cool shade of green. They are, most assuredly, not the green, green, green of summer.

This understanding comes as somewhat of a shock to me. Not that I will change my picture making ways, but it does re-enforce that idea that I believe that my picture making is driven by forces-if not preternatural then certainly subconscious- that I do not fully comprehend. Which is OK by me inasmuch as I am doing, picture making wise, just what comes naturally to me, aka: following what pricks my eye and sensibilities

FYI, all of my comparison pictures were made on the West Branch of the Au Sable River along a stretch known as The Flume. We have had alot of recent rain so the river is raging right along. I live a few miles down-river from The Flume in Au Sable Forks ... so named because the confluence of the East and West Branch of the Au Sable river is located in the center of town.

intimate landscape (ku) / # 3610-12 ~ into the woods for comparison work

(embiggenable) • µ4/3 (left) / iPhone (right)

(embiggenable) • µ4/3 (left) / iPhone (right)

(embiggenable) • µ4/3 (left) / iPhone (right)

TOOK A SHORT WALK WITH THE INTENTION OF making a few intimate landscape pictures for comparison purposes. Each scene pictured with both a Olympus µ4/3 camera and the iPhone.

The results are pretty much what I suspected they would be. That is, the iPhone-made pictures compare very favorably with the µ4/3-made pictures. Both would print well at 24x24" with little visible difference unless, of course, one were to indulge in pixel peeping. However, were I to see someone pixel peeping, I would knee-cap them with my basball bat and then drag them back to the proper viewing distance so they could see the print as it should be viewed before they went to the ER.

FYI, I was not attempting to process these pictures to achieve an exact match, contrast / shadow•highlight detail / color / density wise. For my comparison purposes, close enough was good enough. I was looking for enlarge-abilty.