all photos ~ (embiggenable)
THE PORCHES BODY OF WORK IS REACHING A respectable number of photographs. After a reasonably thorough traverse of town, I believe there are about 5-6 more porches suitable for this body of work. I will be out and about once again tomorrow and try to wrap it up.
That written, I can attest to somewhat disconcerting feeling, re: the making of photographs for this project. That stems from the fact that I rarely head out for the purpose of making specific photographs of a specific referent. And, to be completely honest, it is fair to write that I rarely head out for purpose of making photographs.
That written, it is rare for me to head out and not make a photograph or 2, or 20 or so. However, it can be accurately written that I never know what I might photograph. That is, until something pricks my eye and sensibilities. Hence my picture making M.O. can be described as discursively promiscuous, i.e. I will photograph any thing, at any time, any where.
All of that written, I feel fairly sure that, after tomorrow’s outing, I won’t be making any photographs of porches in my home town. Although, seasons come and go and things can change. So, please note that I did not write “never”.