# 6148-52 / common places / things • kitchen sink ~ what is creativity?






“Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking seeing what no one else has ever thought seen.” ~ Albert Einstein

One might compare the art of photography to the act of pointing. It must be true that some of us point to more interesting facts, events, circumstances, and configurations than others.” ~ John Szarkowski

I HAVE BEEN MEANING TO WRITE AN ENTRY ABOUT the idea of creativity. I haven’t done so cuz, as is my wont, I have been researching the writing of others on the subject and come to the conclusion that it is plenty easy to go down a rabbit hole on the subject. Notions on the subject range from obtuse psycho mohbo-jumbo to just plain ill-informed nonsense.

I have no desire to contribute to that mess but I do have a few thoughts on the subject. Over the next few entries I’ll spew of them out for consideration.FYI, be forewarned, most of my ideas are concerned with creativity as it applies to the of making pictures that are instigated by the desire to create Fine Art (as opposed to decorative art).

# 6146-47 / common places • kitchen sink ~ there is plenty left to do

camera module output ~ (embiggenable)

processed~ (embiggenable)


I AM FOLLOWING, WITH MORE THAN A MODICUM OF INTEREST, Mike Johnston’s new-found embrace of the “modern miracle” known as the iPhone camera module. After years of expressing his thoughts-based upon the use of vastly outdated iPhone camera modules-re: iPhone / smartphone picture making capabilities, he has now arrived in the future with his acquisition of a new iPhone 13 Pro. Whereupon he is now waxing, if not poetically, wondrously about the the iPhone’s capabilities, most notably the Night Mode, declaring it to be…gasp….superior in that regard to a “real” camera. In addition to Mike’s enthusiastic response to the iPhone’s picture making capabilities, the TOP comment-ariat are chiming in with endorsements as well.

All well and good, but only up to a point. That point being the application of George Eastman’s early marketing slogan of, “You push the button, we do the rest” wherein it is being suggested that after you push the “button” on an iPhone, the camera module’s AI does the rest. To which I respond, “Bull shit.”

To be perfectly clear, I have been an iPhone picture maker, almost exclusively, for the past 3+ years and I would be amongst the last to deny that the iPhone picture making AI handles a remarkable number of “difficult” picture making scenarios very well. However…

iMo, based upon my expansive use of the iPhone camera module, I can write that the picture making AI has one significant flaw-at least for those seeking to capture a realistic rendition of the light found in wide range of picturing situations-that being that the AI software developers seem to think that all the world’s a kodachrome-like sunny day complete with nice bright colors. A “flaw” that I am quite certain makes the average non-”enthusiast” picture maker very happy. Me, not to so much.

That written, the iPhone picture making AI does not always get it perfectly right. Close, maybe, but not perfect. I find that, to get the results I am am seeking, I do as much processing work-corrections and adjustments-on an iPhone picture file as I have done in the past on a “real” camera picture file. Although, it can be written that much of that works is less “extreme” on iPhone files than on “real” camera files. In that regard, and Mike has it right, go can go very “deep” in making adjustments / corrections with iPhone files, even with jpegs. The files are remarkably rich in information.

The diptych in this entry is a good example of my point. The file from the iPhone displays a result typical of that made on an overcast day-with any picture making device-wherein a prominent referent in the pictutre is in the shaded area of the scene. It takes more than a simple adjustment of the color balance slider to balance the color balance for the both the shaded area and the non-shaded area in the scene. (FYI, I got the color balance “right” by making color adjustments in LAB color space. I never touched the color balance adjustment slider.) In addition, global and selective area contrast and brightness adjustments were made. And, is almost always the case with iPhone files, a bit of color saturation adjustments were applied, both globally and on selective colors.

All of the above written, I just wanted to bring a bit of reality to the wonders of the iPhone picture making capabilities. Those capabilities are impressive but no one should think that the end of image file processing days are over. After you push the “button” there is plenty of the rest for you do.

# 6145 / kitchen sink ~ can't help myself


ON THE PREVIOUS ENTRY, RE: TAKING MY GOOD FRIEND UP TO THE POINT WHERE HE might pee his pants, Geoff (thanks for the comment) asked:

“How do you know when your friend has (almost) reached that point - going beyond it could mean a difficult 'deep clean' of the upholstery?”

I know at the point when my friend starts making unintelligible noises that sound like a screeching barnyard animal. Then I know that it is time to dial back the speed and lateral g-forces. In any case, I don’t worry about having to deep clean the upholstery cuz he’s an old guy-mid-70s-and I just assume he wears “adult” underwear. But, enough of that, back to photography stuff…

There are times when the voice in my head says, “Enough already with the kitchen sink pictures.” Although, it is possible that the voice might just be repeating what I sometimes think that the wife is whispering in my ear when I’m asleep.

Regardless, in either case, I sometimes think that the voice might just have a point. That is, right up until the point I am standing in front of the sink and, once again, there is something going on in there that my eye and sensibilities will not let me ignore. And, despite the voice in my head, I have come to believe that ending my kitchen sink picture making ain’t gonna happen.

In fact, I am at peace with the idea that, if the gods of photography forced me to only make kitchen sink pictures for the rest of my picture making-days, I would be very OK with that restriction. Fortunately for me, there has been no such decree. But if there were to be, I could rest easy knowing that every day there will be a new arrangement-not all are picture worthy-in the sink.

Of course, there is a fly in the ointment, called the wife. Cuz, no matter what the photography gods might decree, if the wife ever decides to make sure the kitchen sink were to be kept spotless, I’d be screwed.

# 6144 / the new snapshot ~ wherein I go all gearhead


THERE ARE QUITE A FEW THINGS I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Picture making wise, I simply do not understand the obsessive fascination with gear. Or, worse yet, the idea that creativity in picture making is dependent on technique + gear. FYI, I will have more to write, re: creativity, coming up.

That written, for the purpose of this entry my lack of understanding is tied to things automotive. Specifically, why would anyone drive a boring-to-drive car? That is, a thing that is more like an appliance than a machine that gives fun and pleasure to the act of getting from point A to point B.

My wife and I have 3 cars, all of which are considered to be so-called driver's cars. That is, a car that has responsive steering feel, linear brake feel, a natural sense of balance to its handling, a well resolved, well damped ride, it must sound good, it must have good clean throttle response, a decent gear change and seats whose springing is in sync with that of the chassis. Throw in above-average horsepower + torque with a slightly aggressive horsepower-to-weight ratio and you have a recipe for a very satisfying driving experience. Especially so here where we live with its abundance of 2-lane, over hill and dale, twisty bits.

The Abarth pictured above has all the ingredients of a pocket-rocket and more. It is a full-blooded descendant of Abarth / Italian racing machismo. 130mph+ top end, lowered, track inspired suspension, unassisted rack and pinion steering, tuned, free-flow exhaust (sweet Italian-bred howl), brembo brakes. Even the wife loves it. She calls it “very mechanical”. Hell, even Michael Schumacher-7x Formula One Champion-has one as his daily driver.

So, for me, it is, go fast, be safe, and have fun. BTW, part of the fun is bringing my good friend along and taking him right up to the edge of peeing his pants.

PS I apologize for going all gearhead, albeit automotive style. It will be back to our regularly schedule programming tomorrow.

# 6143 / kitchen sink ~ different is as different does


For the first several years one struggles with the technical challenges, making sure and steady progress ….But, eventually every photographer who sticks with it long enough arrives at a technical plateau where production of a technically good photograph is relatively easy. It is here that real photography starts and most photographers quit.” ~ Brooks Jensen

AS I AM CONSIDERING MY THOUGHTS AND FEELING, RE: blogging and this blog in particular, I have been contemplating the idea of what exactly is / has been my intent for doing this blog. The easy answer is that I simply wished to exhibit my work to the world. There is some truth to that answer but, digging a bit deeper, there is much more to it that that.

A few decades past, as I was moving away from commercial photography, my picture making activity gravitated to the making of pictures as Art rather than for commerce. While I had garnered some significant bona fides*, re: photography as Art, as is my wont, I was driven to explore the grand and messy world of photography as Art in more detail. Specifically, what exactly is it that makes a photograph a work of Art as opposed to being just a mere picture.

In the course of that exploration, I started a blog wherein I thought out loud, re: my ideas and ruminations on the subject of photography as Art, in hopes of encouraging input from others who read the blog. For quite a number of years, that hope was realized and there was plenty of lively conversation.

The net result of all that activity was there was no easy answer to the question of what makes a photograph be considered as Art. My take on it came down to the notion of, stop thinking / worrying about it, find my vision, get on with it, and let the chips fall where they may.

Re: It is here that real photography starts and most photographers quit - I never had much toil and struggle with the technical challenges of making a technically good picture. My picture making “challenge” derived from my intrinsic, preternatural drive to be an individual who did not “follow the crowd”. So, there was no way, from the moment I first picked up a camera, that I was going to make pictures that conformed to the prevailing idea of what makes a “good” picture.

FYI, to be very clear on that subject, I did not consciously adopt an attitude to be “different”. As I later came to realize, I just flat out see the world in a manner that differs from how others typically see it. Consequently, my “challenge” was to plunge ahead and do what came naturally, essentially ignoring any internal conflicts / doubts about being “different”. If I had given in to any doubts, it would have been at that point at which I most likely would have quit photography.

All of the above written, call it vanity if you must, but I like to think that all of my blathering on-which, BTW, is likely to continue-about the medium and its apparatus might just possibly help, or has helped, some followers of this blog to-paraphrasing Brook Jensen-let go of what they have been told is a good photograph and start photographing what they see.

*acceptance of work in prestigious, juried group exhibitions, a jurist for many exhibitions / competitions (such as the final round of The Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Competition), many solo exhibitions in art galleries / institutions, working with the author of the seminal book The New Color Photography, a stint as a photo critic for the New Art Examiner, et al.

# 6140-42 / around the house ~ never the same twice




IT WASN’T UNTIL ABOUT 4 MONTHS PAST I BEGAN TO start making full-frame pictures with the iPhone PORTRAIT setting. So it was somewhat of a surprise that I “discovered” 30+ pictures made with that combination all of which fall under the label around the house. Hence a new gallery on the WORK page by that name. ASIDE while most of those pictures were made in the house, a few were made in very close proximity to the house. END ASIDE

# 6139 / selfie ~ hello, out there

0.5 selfie

I’M GETTING BORED. IN YEARS PAST THIS BLOG had followers who engaged in lively conversation, re: the medium and its apparatus (conventions not gear). As opposed to now, where there is rarely any response to any topic even though there are about 1,000 unique visitors / month with 2,100 page views. That written, it seems that the only way to generate comments is to write about gear-especially anything Leica. A topic which is rarely seen on this blog.

So…it’s time to think about a change. Kill the whole thing? Kill the blog and just have picture galleries-albeit greatly reduced in number? Kill the galleries and the blog and just post 1 picture at a time with the replaced picture disappearing into never-neverland?

All that written, just thinking out loud.

# 6136-38 / people • landscape ~ it's all the rage

0.5 selfie ~ (embiggenable)



JUST YESTERDAY, RIGHT THERE ON/IN THE NY TIMES, AN article titled, The Rise of the 0.5 selfie. A few excerpts:

..All of a sudden, one day, everyone was taking 0.5 selfies…Unlike a traditional selfie, the 0.5 selfie — so named because users tap 0.5x on a smartphone camera to toggle to ultra-wide mode — has become popular because it is far from curated. Since the ultra-wide-angle lens is built into the back cameras of phones, people can’t watch themselves take a 0.5 selfie…You really don’t know how it’s going to turn out, so you just have to trust the process and hope something good comes out of it…These images are best when they have “ominous, creepy” vibes.

Having read the article-with sample pictures-it was incumbent upon me, last evening while dining out, to teach the bartender how to make an 0.5 selfie. She done good, getting the wife, daughter and me well placed in the background.

Question: is there something in human DNA which causes people to get crazy / weird when making a selfie? - the question arose as I sat stoically by while the selfie was made.

Had a nice drive home after dinner. Happy to be a passenger which allowed for some on-the-go picture making.