kitchen sink # 38 ~ 2 choices

green beans, fork, napkin ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - in the Adirondack PARK (click to embiggen)

Excerpts from 2 picture maker statements. Which picture maker do you think makes the most interesting visual statements?

My work is an exploration of my own psychological landscape ... As I navigated through my internal landscape I was able to discover beauty in my journey back to living.
My motive in creating ... was to create a visual record of the area before it is all sanitized by shopping malls and frozen yogurt stands.

iPhone pictures # 1-4 ~

Gander Mtn ~ Cicero, NY (click to embiggen)

sausage ~ Cicero, NY (click to embiggen)

Team Austria ~ Lake Placid, NY (click to emgbiggen)

Team Austria ~ Lake Placid, NY (click to emgbiggen)

sink rack ~ Au Sable Forks, NY (click to embiggen)

The only pictures I made this past weekend were made with my iPhone. The camera function is capable of creating good image files especially so when using the HDR setting - the pictures have a very good tonal range without looking like an HDR picture.

That written, the jury is out regarding whether or not I will continue with making iPhone pictures in any serious way.

kitchen sink # 37 ~ think about it at your on risk

sink drain / Rist Camp ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

After years of wrestling with a wide range of notions regarding what is a picture (photography division), I have come to the conclusion that, inasmuch as photography is a visual medium, pictures in and of themselves have very little to say, narative wise.

At best, a picture might give voice / "speak" to a simple phrase or a very short sentence. iMo, that is why the lunatic academic fringe picture making crowd always finds it necessary to have lengthy and often obtuse artspeak bullock as companion to their pictures. When it comes to picture making, they are trying their best to cram 2 lbs. of crap into a 1 oz. bottle.

What that crowd seems to not grasp is the fact that a picture is first and foremost a form of expression which appeals to the visual senses. And, in appealing to those sensibilities, a picture can be about "nothing", referent wise, yet still be a very good picture indeed.

Independent of the depicted referent, a very good / outstanding picture can be "about" light, shape, form, color and the resultant organization of space created by the picture maker's framing. Such a picture is invariably a visual delight to a viewer's visual sensibilities and, in the absolute best examples, is also capable of instigating a pricking of a viewer's thought process which is dominated by their personal experience and knowledge, not by what the picture maker is trying to "say".

kitchen sink # 36 ~ back where I belong

kitchen sink / morning light ~ Rist Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

So begins 5 weeks a Rist Camp. A very welcome relief from the oppressive heat / humid and the overarching tasteless display of the wretched excesses of the nouveau riche. Who, with their McMansions, seem to be hellbent on destroying what was once a quaint barrier island culture.

Makes me appreciate the fact that I live in forest preserve / park in which approximately half of the land - 3 million acres - is protected by the NYS Constitution as forever wild.