# 5610-12 / kitchen life•around the house•civilized ku ~ keep on chewing

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

ONE OF MY FAVORITE ROCK-A-BILLY / ORIGINAL SUN RECORDS RECORDING ARTIST, Sleepy LaBeef, has a saying that I believe accurately sums up my way of picturing ....

"It ain't what you eat, it's the way how you chew it."

I knew Sleepy just enough-on a few ocassions we would drink a few beers together-to believe that, re: this comment, he was not being literal but, rather, he was referring to how he "chewed" his music. FYI, a LaBeef show-I always saw him in small bars with a small attached music venue-was a 2-set performance, each set was an hour-long, non-stop (not a single break between songs) of stream-of-consciousness-like rock-a-billy music. He was known as The Human Jukebox.

In any event, I like to think of the way how I chew it as my way of seeing, aka: my vision. And, come to think about it, it is not too much of a stretch (at least for me) to think of the totality of my picturing as a Sleepy LaBeef-like stream-of-(picturing)-consciousness, or, as I call it, discursive promiscuity.

May be I gotta get me a black ten-gallon hat.

# 5589-5602 / civilized ku•the new snapshot ~ the better part of 2 weeks worth

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

BEEN KINDA DISTRACTED, BLOG WISE OVER, the past 2 weeks or so. Making and buying stuff for Xmas gift giving, working at staying emotionally connected to a Covid Xmas, making pictures, Xmas day itself and, amongst other things, buying a new car.

Interesting thing about the car...inasmuch as I have been working on my seeing red body of work, we acquired a red (not just any old red but rather an extra-cost option crystal metalic soul red) car - the first non-black car we have owned in over 15 years. However, the choice of red was not due to my recent seeing red work. The choice was dictated by the idea that, if we were to buy a car made by this particular maker, the car color would have to be that maker's signature color.

In any event, lest I slide down a pool-table, shed-building, diet-story rabbit hole, what follows is a bit about photography...

At some point over the past couple weeks I came across a guy writing about a photograph and whether it might be, theoretically, a picture he would hang on his wall. One consideration was based upon the idea that the picture had a lot of depth. An idea that has always set off a clamor of wrong-answer buzzers in my head because...


Why does the idea of "depth" in a photographic print get me so riled up?, you might wonder. Consider this...

"Photographs that transcend but do not deny their literal situation appeal to me…..You know you are seeing such a photograph if you say to yourself, "I could have taken that picture. I've seen such a scene before, but never like that." It is the kind of photography that relies for its strengths not on special equipment or effects but on the intensity of the photographer's seeing. It is the kind of photography in which the raw materials-light, space, and shape-are arranged in a meaningful and even universal way that gives grace to ordinary objects." ~ Sam Abell

So here's the rub. Most "serious" amateur picture makers, especially those who claim to be making "fine art", have no concept of what the bold-highlighted sentence in the Abell quote means. As a concept, they are, most likely, unaware that such a concept exists. That is, other than the conventional so-called "rules of composition". Consequently, their "concept" of a good picture revolves around the idea that the depicted referent is "the thing" - an idea which drives then to pursue and picture referents which are culturally proscribed as beautiful referents in and of themselves.

To be fair, if that is what floats their boat, good for them. However, what really gets under my skin is their nearly absolute distain for pictures-pictures which excell in the "light, space, and shape" 2D arena-which depict quotidian / "everyday" referents. iMo, the reason for this distain is, quite simply, due to the fact that thay can not see such a picture for what it is - that is, again quite simply, a 2D object which displays "light, space, and shape arranged in a meaningful and even universal way that gives grace to ordinary objects."

Quite literally, they can not and do not see the arrangement of light, space and shape-most often independent of the the thing depicted-because they have been taught, one way or another, that "the thing" that a picture is about is the straight forward, literally depicted referent. Consequently, that is all they see.

To my way of thinking (and seeing), mores the pity for these lost in the dark picture making souls cuz the truly liberating thing about getting beyond the grasp of culturally proscribed beauty is the fact everything in the world is the raw material for the making of good pictures.

# 5581 / around the house•seeing red (1-5) ~ why are all our cars black?

there is nothing on tv ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

seeing red ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

seeing red ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

seeing red ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

seeing red ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

FYI, I HAVE UNDERTAKEN A PROJECT TO UPDATE, REORGANIZE and SLIM DOWN my site's WORK page. While I have begun to update a few bodies of work, I have yet to settle on a manner of presentation and, just as important, to decide which bodies of work I might eliminate.

In any event, today's entry contains a few pictures from my seeing red work. Pictures which have not been previously displayed as part of that body of work. And, in culling through my picture library I have been surprised by the number of new candidates for inclusion in the seeing red body of work. I have also been surprised by the number of different picture making situations-urban / natural world landscapes, kitchen sink, people, still life-in which I have seen and made pictures of "red". And, I do find it a bit strange that there is no other color around which I could build a similar body of work.

#5578-80 / around the house ~ the joy of photography

post turkey day breakfast* ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

post turkey dinner ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

"To know ahead of time what you’re looking for means you’re then only photographing your own preconceptions, which is very limiting...." ~ Dorothea Lange
"It’s about reacting to what you see, hopefully without preconception. You can find pictures anywhere. It’s simply a matter of noticing things and organising them...." ~ Elliott Erwitt

I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO RESOLVE AN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION OF WHY so many-the majority?-"serious" amateur picture makers seem to be unable to break out of the mold of making pictures that replicate what they have been told are good pictures.

Is it a lack of imagination? Creativity? A predisposition to "follow the leader", aka: "what I spoda do massa?" (that is, the "masters" of landscape / portraiture / et al). Or is it, quite simply, fear? The fear of being seen as "different" / non-conforming.

Add to the aforementioned, the idea of "visualization" (often refered to as pre-visualization. A concept promoted by Sir Ansel who wrote:

"Visualization is a conscious process of projecting the final photographic image in the mind before taking the first steps in actually photographing the subject....one of the most important concepts in photography.

iMo, visualization is the single most causal factor in the killing of creativity / responding to what you see without thinking. A process (without thinking) which, again iMo, results in pictures which surprise even their makers. Consider the words of Garry Winogrand:

I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.

That idea is a big part of my over-arching approach to how I make pictures cuz there is nothing I enjoy more than being surprised by a picture I have made. For me, that is the Joy of Photography.

* breakfast at the newly installed retro breakfast nook in the Hobson household.

# 5564-66 / still life•around the house ~ a ray of sunshine

Out of Context ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

PLEASE EXCUSE MY ABSENCE FROM BLOGGING CUZ, OVER THE PAST WEEK, I HAVE BEEN preoccupied with hoping for a ray of sunshine to appear. My desire for a ray of sunshine was for a more figuative than literal ray of sunshine but I am more than pleased that my hoped for outcome appeared in both ways.

That written, I have, nevertheless, been making pictures, literal ray-of-sunshine wise, during the past week (as well as other referents). And, for one reason or another, a quote from John Szarkowski crepted into my mind:

"One might compare the art of photography to the act of pointing. It must be true that some of us point to more interesting facts, events, circumstances, and configurations than others. [...] The talented practitioner of the new discipline would perform with a special grace, sense of timing, narrative sweep, and wit, thus endowing the act not merely with intelligence, but with that quality of formal rigor that identifies a work of art, so that we would be uncertain, when remembering the adventure of the tour, how much our pleasure and sense of enlargement had come from the things pointed to and how much from a pattern created by the pointer." - John Szarkowski

FYI, many might know of John Szarkowski as the legendary MOMA curator and photo critic but not be aware of the fact that he was a damn good picture maker. I have the book, John Szarkowski ~ Photographs, which is, iMo, an amazing retrospective of his work. In addition to the photographs, the book is interspersed with a significant amount of his personal correspondence which elucidates many of his ideas about the medium and its apparatus.

The book is so amazing that, in fact, if I were banished to a tiny desert island and allowed to take only one photo book, Szarkowski's book is the book I would take.

Very highly recommended.

# 5561-63 / around the house• civilized ku ~ times they are a-changing

saturday ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

sunday ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

monday ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

IT IS NOT JUST THE WEATHER THAT IS CHANGING, hopefully, tomorrow will bring a big change of another kind.

In his book, THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S EYE, John Szarkowski wrote:

"...Immobilizing these thin slices of time has been a source of continuing fascination for the photographer. And while pursuing this experience he discovered something else: he discovered that there was a pleasure and beauty in this fragmenting of time that had little to do with what was happening. It had to do rather with seeing the momentary patterning of lines and shapes that had been previously concealed within the flux of movement. Cartier-Bresson defined his commitment to this new beauty with the phrase The Decisive Moment, but the phrase has been misunderstood: the thing that happens at the decisive moment is not a dramatic climax but a visual one....

He wrote that under the heading of TIME which was one of his five key elements of photography: The Thing Itself, The Detail, The Frame, Time and Vantage Point. Later in the book in the section devoted to pictures which illustrate the idea of Time, he went on to write that the moment was...

"...decisive not because of the external event (the ball meeting the bat) but because in that moment the flux of changing forms and patterns was sensed to have achieved balance and clarity and order-because the image became, for an instant, a picture. "

When I first began making pictures, I did not have any conscious grasp of this definition of the idea of The Decisive Moment. Yet, nevertheless, I was unconsciously pursuing it. That it, in fact, was what defined my way of seeing / vision. And it was not untill a number of years later, that I finally consciously pieced together the connection of this idea with my way of seeing.

#5529-31 / kitchen life A/B•around the house ~ looking for new faces

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

I NEVER DID FOLLOW UP ON MY DESIRE TO concentrate on making BW pictures while I was at Rist Camp. It is my belief / rationalization that the reason for that is actually rather simple inasmuch as I do not intuitively see in BW.

That written, I am not brain-dead, re: recognizing a decent BW picture making scene when I come upon one, but the idea of traipsing about the landscape concentrating upon finding such an opportunity, just ain't my thing. Seems more like work than pleasure to me.

On a completely different topic, I have begun a concentrated effort to break out of my daily / regular photo blog / site routine. That is, to find some "new faces", picture making wise, cuz my current rota of sites, which a few exceptions, seems to be slip-sliding away into gear or non-photo topics.

One new face I have found is LAURE LAFARGE. I like her work. The only issue is that her last entry was well over a year ago. Her instagram page seems to be equally inactive..

# 5526-28 / around the house•OoC Context•week of ... ~ imagine it

(embiggenable) • iPhone

Out of Context / in context ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

Out of Context progress ~ (embiggenable) iPhone

last week at Rist Camp ~ (embiggenable)• iPhone

IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN (Ecclesiastes 1:9) AND REPEATEDLY SAID that there is no new thing under the sun. There are many who would beg to differ but, using the broadest definitions possible, re: "new" and "thing", the idea is, iMo, a reasonably sound generalized concept.

However, what about the notion of there is no new thing under the sun, re: the medium of photography and its apparatus? If I were asked that question, my answer would be, "when it comes to making pictures, there is no new thing under the sun."

In the most generalized sense, no matter the device you may using today to make pictures, since the dawn of photography, pictures were always made using a picture making device of one kind or another. And, no matter the software you may use to process those picures, the capabilities thereof mimic traditional processes dating back, again, to the dawn of photography.

Do the current picture making devices and picture processing software make it (potenially) easier and quicker to make and process pictures? Do they make it (potenially) easier and quicker to create manipulated pictures? Do they make it easier and quicker to make techically good pictures? Yes, yes and yes. But, in fact, there is little-if any thing-that a skilled craftsperson of 150 years ago could not have accomplished, albeit requiring much more time and effort.

All that written, my question is, why all the nattering and caterwauling, re: the end of photography as we know it?

My answer: Fear. Those who have distinguished their work from that of others based on their technical mastery of the medium and its apparatus, realize that that ain't gonna cut it anymore. Whether they like it or not, the democratization of the medium and its apparatus has drawn attention to the most important tool in the tool box and it's not a device or a bit of software. It is not a tool that can be purchased, online or in a big box camera store. Arguably, it most likely can not be taught or learned in a workshop.

It is, in fact, the tool that Einstein said was more important than knowledge...imagination.

iMo, imagination, which is linked to creativity, is the timeless-no new thing-tool which separates the very good from the merely average.

Imagine that.