civilized ku # 4033-34 ~ more seen and noted

Northern Lights ice cream stand ~ Inlet, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

porch / Arrowhead Park ~ Inlet, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

Took a drive to Inlet (in the Adirondack PARK) yesterday afternoon, the place where I spent summers as a kid. Without a doubt, the place which was the genesis of my love of the Adirondacks.

While there, the wife and I had an ice cream sundae at the Northern Lights Creamy. In fact, that was the reason for the drive and the ice cream stand has changed very little since my kidhood days.

The visit to Northern Lights Creamery was notble for 2 items (other than the ice cream): 1) we discovered that NLC is one of Hillary Clinton's favorite place to eat in NYS, and, 2) I had my first encounter with a resident of Whitesboro, NY.

civilized ku # 4031 -32 ~ seen and noted

Rist Camp porch ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

Rist Camp / front window ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

It's Labor Day and that's it for the summer season. Not for summer but the summer holiday season.

For most, it's back to the grindstone tomorrow morning. However, lucky me, we have 2 more weeks at Rist Camp during which time our primary activity will be sitting on the porch watching the leaves transition to fall colors.

It's a tough job but someboday has to do it.

ku # 1377 / civilized ku # 4028 ~ here one day, gone the next

clearing behind Rist Camp ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

along the trail to Santanoni Great Camp ~ Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

A question - I received an email from someone about POD book printing requesting information at ShareInk. In the process of moving it from my email trash back to my inbox from which it had been mistakening deleted, it just disappeared into the great beyond.

After looking high and low on my system, it is nowhere to be found. I even checked, without any luck, on my email server. It just flat out appears to be disappeared.

So, in the hope that email writer read some of my comments about SharedInk on my blog, I am posting this entry - as the only way I know possible - to try and let that person know to write again.

civilized ku # 4026-27 ~ artists in the Adirondacks

Adirondack rustic woodwork / Adirondack Museum ~ Blue Mt. lake, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

artist studio / north light window ~ Santanoni Great Camp / Newcomb, NY - in the Adirondack PARK

Art and artist are no strangers to the Adirondacks. Over the years many notables in multiple disciplines spent time or resided in the Adirondacks. To name a few notables: the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson (part of The Philosophers Camp), painters Thomas Cole, Winslow Homer, Georgia O'Keeffe and Rockwell Kent, not to mention photographers such as Alfred Stieglitz, Margaret Bourke-White, Eliot Porter, Seneca Ray Stoddard.

In addition to those notables, there were also quite a number of local artist / craftsman who started the Adirondack Rustic "Movement". A "Movement" which continues to this day. Their work included furniture / furnishings, boats and architectural designs. Many of their works are on display at the Adirondack Museum campus.The museum also hosts an autumn weekend annual rustic furniture fair which draws thousand of vistors.

Appropo of artists in the Adirondacks, the picture in this entry of the log and stone structure is that of an artist's studio built for the son the builder of the Santanoni Great Camp. For scale, the bottom of the magnificent arched north-light window is approximately 8ft. from the ground.