# 5828-30 / landscape (ku + civilized ku) • nocturnal ~ drawing with light

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

RE: SQUARESPACE SCREWED UP MY BLOG - late yesterday afternoon, all of the issues with my blog suddenly (and unbidden) self-corrected. That is, in exactly the same manner-seemingly out of the blue-in which the issues suddenly appeared a couple weeks ago. In any event, only time will tell if the issues are gone for good. Moving on …

OVER ON TOP IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN THAT “I would never have transferred the word ‘photography’ to digital imaging. They [film and/or digital picture making] are enough different that they each deserve their own name.

iMo, that idea don’t mean diddly squat to me inasmuch as, over the years on this blog, I have used the phrase picture making to describe what I do with a picture making device (of any kind). If one prefers, one might label the use of that nomenclature an affectation of sorts, but I use it cuz it describes the idea that I make pictures. Although, if one prefers, what I make-by means of the medium of photography and its apparatus-could be labeled also as photographs.

FYI, Meriam-Webster defines photography as the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or an optical sensor).

However, my point is rather simple…that is, who f**king cares what you call it? I mean, are we not all just drawing with light?

# 5824-27 / windows • doors (civilized ku) ~ looking at looking out

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

SQUARESPACE HAS COMPLETELY MESSED UP MY BLOG by disabling the code in the text entries. Unless they can fix this, I will be changing to another platform soon. In the meantime I will try to continue without my normal formatting code. In any event….

I was unable to post entries during my recent getaway due to wi-fi issues where we were staying. That written, I returned from our getaway with a surprising number-25 finished pictures-of pictures. Surprising inasmuch as nearly all of those pictures were made within 300 feet of our lake front cottage. With the exception of the pictures posted in this entry, all of the other pictures I made were landscape pictures.

(embiggenable) • iPhone

# 5821-23 / around the house • civilized ku • landscape (ku) ~

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

sunset thru trees ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

YOUMAY HAVE NOTICE THAT A FEW OF THE recent entries have alignment issues. The problem, after much corrective attempts in conjunction with squarespace support, determined the problem is at their end. Don't know this those entries will be fixed, but this entry seems to be issue free. Please let me know if anyone is still having issues.

The wife and I are headed out for a 4-day, 3-night belated anniversary getaway. I will be picturing and posting entries.