civilized ku # 3535 ~ the object is not important

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

An interesting idea, written 102 years ago, about Art (think about it)....

Art exists that one may recover the sensation of life; it exists to make one feel things, to make the stone stony. The purpose of art is to impart the sensation of things as they are perceived and not as they are known. The technique of art is to make objects "unfamiliar," to make forms difficult, to increase the difficulty and length of perception because the process of perception is an aesthetic end in itself and must be prolonged. Art is a way of experiencing the artfulness of an object: the object is not important. ~ Viktor Shklovsky: 'Art as Technique'

A FEW QUESTIONS HAVE ENERGED FROM MY last entry's declaration of my intent to open a photo gallery dedicated to cell phone device picture making. Although, not in answer to a question, it should be noted that this endevour will require a few months of work to get up and running....

.... finding the right space and negotiating a favorable lease
.... renovations to the space (gallery lights, white paint, signage, etc.)
.... partnering with sources to get the word out
.... build website with picture file submission upload capabilities / online galleries
.... gallery name / logo (this is a tough one)

.... this list does not address the task, perhaps the most important one, of developing a MISSION STATEMENT. That is, the why and the how, re: the manner in which this thing exists and works. It is my desire / intent to create an entity which is unique in the gallery world. I do have some interesting preliminary ideas on that score but, of course, I can't tell you about them at this time because, as the saying goes, I'd have to kill you... don't want to let the cat out of the bag and all that.

ku # 1445-50 ~ in the garden of ideas

in the wife’s garden ~ all pictures (embiggenable) • iPhone

I am in constant competition with my wife, re: who gets to dead or dying stuff first. Me, to picture it or her, to dispose of it. In the case of the pictures in this entry, I won the competition.

Writing of the wife, she's going to be somewhat perturbed about the kick in the ass I got, re: the A Weird Little Collecting Idea, in which Mike Johnston wrote about the idea of collecting iPhone pictures.....

Over the past few years, I have been entertaining the idea of opening a photo gallery. As it happens, there are several ideal store fronts on Main Street (high traffic) in my little home village. Every time I mention it, the wife immediately lists all of the downside(s) of doing so (expense is not one of them). And, to give credit where credit is due, she has some very valid points. Nevertheless, the idea persists.

One of the primary obstacles, in my mind, in opening such a gallery is based around the idea of opening just another gallery. That is, not having a unique "hook" with which to separate the gallery from the local crowd (of galleries). The only hook I have thought of to date is opening a Adirondack pictures only gallery. As hard as it might be to believe, in all of the Adirondacks there is not a single gallery devoted to photography thereof. That written, I have not been convinced that is enough of a hook.

Enter, thanks to M.J, the idea of an iPhone (or similar device) photography gallery. I am certain there is no other gallery like it in my region. And, with my recent-18 months and counting-picture making involvement with the iPhone, it seems like a logical extension thereof.

Given that I have thought on the idea of a opening gallery for quite a while, I have a rather good list of things that need to been done to facilitate such an undertaking. One of the first tasks is to start getting the word out and requesting submissions of work-no theme, just iPhone / cell phone pictures of any and all subjects-for the first couple of exhibitions. So....

... anyone out there within the sound of this blog interested?

PS. This is our little secret. Please don't tell my wife.