# 6061-65 / (urban) landscape ~ walking around in a fog






ASBURY PARK IS A NORTH JERSEY SEASIDE (ATLANTIC OCEAN) TOWN. It was once quite prosperous, then it slipped into decline and it is now attempting a comeback. Although, the comeback is almost strictly limited to ocean-side property which is being procured by 1%-ers who are-in addition to building architectural monstrosities-attempting to keep the public off of the public beaches.

Nevertheless, there was one delightful surprise (for me)…a massive / imposing structure built in 1928-30 - the Asbury Park Convention Hall which is connected to the the Paramount Theater by the Grand Arcade. The magnificent structure is on the National Historic Registry but, as are so many historic structures, large and small, of the American past, it is slowly declining into disrepair.

All that written, one Asbury Park legend lives on. That would be the “Boss”, aka Bruce Springsteen, who lived in Long Branch and where he wrote much of his early music. I stopped at and pictured the shotgun shack where the wrote the music for his landmark album, Born To Run.


# 6060 / civilized ku ~ on the road agaiN

DAY 4 OF 5 DAY/ 3 LOCATION ROAD TRIP. Seen quite a few things. Made pictures of some. Will post more when back at home.

PS Saw an interesting photo exhibition at the George Eastman House / Museum in Rochester, NY - a comprehensive look at the work of Joshua Rashaad McFaddeen.