kitchen sink / # 3569 ~ (photo) book 'em, Danno

(embiggenabe) • iPhone

a couple recent photo books (embiggenabe)

OK, OK. I HEAR READ YA. APPARENTLY, THERE IS A pent up desire for me to spill my guts, aka: photo book making "secrets". OK. OK.

However, believe me or not, doing so can not be accomplished in a single entry inasmuch as making a good quality photo book is the result of a chain of activities / steps, each one as important as all of the others. Hence, I use the word chain because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Consequently, screw up one of the steps required to make a good quality photo book and the end result will suffer, perhaps fatally.

To be certain, none of the steps required to make good quality photo book would be considered to be rocket science. Nevertheless, in this entry I am going to list those steps and in doing so the list just might elicit a groan or two from some of you. However, don't panic or become discouraged. As we go along the path, each step will be explained in manner that will be easy to understand and, more importantly, easy to perform. In fact, the most important steps are basically the same steps a picture maker should be using to make a good quality picture....


1. using whatever picture making device / file format you prefer, make good quality image files for your planned photo book
2. process the files-on a reasonally calibrated (no special equipment required) screen-to create files which look like how you want the final pictures to look like. Save the files
3. make "proof" prints from the files as a comformation that the pictures do, in fact, look like you want them to look like. Additional processing may be required to get some files to that place.
4. convert the image files to the format your chosen photo book source requires - usually jpegs
5. upload all of your image files for the book to the photo book site and layout your book
6. when completed, hit "print" and wait for the book to show up.

WARNING .... have no doubt about it, each one of the above steps has multiple, critical sub-steps, all of which will be explained in upcoming entries.

coronavirus snapshot / weather # 3567-68 ~ desperate times, desperate measures

May snow ~(embiggenable) • iPhone

desperately wanting haircut ~ selfie by the wife (embiggenable) • iPhone

WOKE UP YESTERDAY MORNING TO FIND A 2" snow cover on the landscape. By early afternoon it was gone. Then it started to snow again. Apparently, the new normal is that April showers bring May flowers snow.

Meanwhile, I thought you might like to spend a little time viewing this

around the house / kitchen life / coronavirus snapshot # 3564-66 ~ trying not to lose it

neighbor helping neighbors ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

I AM MOST DEFINITELY IN THE MOOD FOR A RANT. However, I can not latch onto a topic, picture making wise, to get all worked up about.

Sure, sure ... the picture making "perfectionists", gearheads and Academic Lunatic Fringe are all up to their usual monkeyshines and gobbledygook but, right now, I don't have the energy to get all worked up about it. And, if I'm honest about it, that is because almost all of my anger and frustration-thus my reason for a rant-is latched onto: 1st and foremost - the utter and complete ineptitude / malevolent incompetence of the orange-faced narcissist and his party of death, and, 2nd - the conspiracy-addled, re: the pandemic, contingent of the public.

However, I don't want to venture down that rabbit hole cuz this is a photography blog. And, to be frank, I am also trying not to get preoccupied by that anger and frustration and bide my time 'til Novemeber when, hopefully ....

In the meantime, I am just trying to be safe, aka: semi-isolation, the mask thing and social distancing. Activities that I am rather certain will be in my future for an extended period of time.

However, that written, staying safe where I live-a huge region (bigger than some states) of northern New York State along the Canadian border-is easier than most other regions / states. That is due to the facts that in this region, the numbers are very good...

...currently, there are only 349 confirmed cases of the virus and only 6 reported deaths. And, after testing in our region for the virus antibody, only 1.2% of those tested, tested positive for the antibody which means that the number of confirmed virus cases is a reasonably accurate number.

Although, those numbers could change for the worse when NYS starts to reopen and the tourists start to come back. I might have to avoid the sidewalks of Lake Placid but, if you can't social distance in the wilderness, I don't know where you can. So, I am looking forward to packing up our solo canoes and heading out on a wilderness water-way to set up camp, far from the maddening crowds, for a few days.

kitchen life / kitchen sink / # 3561-63 ~ I made a picture with a "real" camera

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • µ4/3

(embiggenable) • iPhone

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, CABIN FEVER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR my use of a "real" camera to make a picture. Or maybe, just maybe, it was a sub-concious impluse to just do something to shake up my stay-at-home semi-rut. In any case, it just happened and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. 'Nuff written

ku / landscape / coronavirus life # 3558-60 ~ out and about

the wife / social distancing ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

social distancing / Asgaard Farm ~ Au Sable Forks, NY (embiggenable) • iPhone

river rocks ~ Au Sable River / West Branch (embiggenable) • iPhone

blog note: SINCE I MISTAKENLY DELETED MY LAST ENTRY, I'll mention again that there is a new gallery, CORONAVIRUS LIFE, on my WORK page.

ALSO WORTH A MENTION IS THE FACT that I have made a photo book with the pictures in the CORONAVIRUS LIFE gallery. The original intention was to make the book on Shutterfly, which I did, but when I put it in my checkout cart, the discounted price for 8x8", 38 page book was over $100USD. Admittedly, the book had a number of "premium" add-ons such 6-color printing, lay-flat pages, matte cover and the deletion of the Shutterfly logo page that price, I decided to wait for one of their 50% off everything sales, which, btw, come along quite frequently.

In any event, I still wanted a photo book so went to PARABO.PRESS and set up a similar book-8x8" with 38 pages and a soft cover-which priced out at $18USD. So, I ordered 2.

FYI, without actually counting, I have about 12 8x8" photo books + about 10 5x5" photo books from PARABO. Those books are all soft cover and the pages are a heavy-weight matte paper. The print quality is quite good and I especially like the matte paper look for my "snapshot" pictures.

One of these days, if enough of you out there are interested, I will do an entry in which I give away all of photo book making "secrets".