landscape / around the house # 3652-54 ~ waiting for rain

in Nova Scotia ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3rd

(embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

INCREASINGLY I FIND MYSELF BEING DRAWN TO MAKING pictures which are without any apparent center of attention / featured referent. Which, by extension, would seem to suggest that those pictures have no particular meaning or considered intent. That, quite simply, they are, just pictures.

However, don't be fooled. I am making these pictures with a very well considered intent to convey a concept, or, if you will, a "meaning". And, be advised that my head is working at explaining the intent / meaning-without having to delve into arcane / obtuse artspeak gibberish-of the concept driving this work.

More to come.

around the house (and the hospital) / # 3650-51 ~ seemingly crazy stuff

me and part of the team + the “umbrella” that’s now inside my heart~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

(embiggenable) • iPhone

BACK HOME WITH AN "UMBRELLA" IN MY HEART AFTER MY 24 HOUR VISIT TO Vermont. All is right with the world...or...actually, not with the world but rather with my world. My WATCHMAN procedure was successful. At this point, it is 5 days of no squatting, lifting and minimal stairs in order to allow the small incision in my groin to heal and then it's on with the show.

In the interim, I am working on an entry in reply to Stephen McAteer's request:

" you have any posts outlining how you get such natural colours in your pictures?...My own photographs tend to be over-saturated as they come out of the camera. I would much rather have naturalistsic colour rendition like yours."

Don't know if that entry will be my next entry but it will be appearing soon.

FYI, re: the hospital picture, while the lead doctor is making a selfie-at my request with my iPhone-of himself and me, the anesthesiologist next to me is putting a temporary monitor into the artery in my wrist.

# 3649 ~ blowing in the wind

(9embiggenable) • µ4/3rd

but I could not tell
if it was waving at me
or just passing by
on its way to hell

I said that.

flora / kitchen life / # 3646-48 ~ waiting game

outside ~ (embiggenable) • µ4/3rd

ephemera ~ (emvigeenable) • iPhone

inside ~ (embiggenable) • iPhone

IF MY INFORMATION IS CORRECT, YESTERDAY WAS CAMERA DAY. That is not a date which is marked on my calender. Although, truth be told, I do not have any dates marked on my calender simply because I do not have a calender.

In any event, as it happens, I have actually been thinking about a camera. An Olympus Pen F to be exact. That's cuz, now that Olympus (my long-time camera brand of choice) is getting out of the camera business, I am thinking now is the time to purchase a new body which, hopefully, will last me until I pass over to the the big darkroom in the sky.

However, it is still early in the game, re: the new entity that will acquire the Olympus photo gear operation, to know what kind of ongoing support will be available for what remains of the photo product line. Panasonic is an option but it remains to be seen what their commitment to the µ4/3rd format will be without Olympus in the game. That written, with the advanced-amateur camera market in free-fall, who knows where any camera maker is headed.

All of that written, you might wonder why, with my nearly exclusive use of my iPhone for my picture making, I am even considering a new camera. The answer is quite simple: 1.) I can not ever imagine giving up making pictures with a real camera. There are some picture making requirements that the iPhone does not meet to my satisfaction, and, 2.) there is at least one picture making project I wish to undertake that the iPhone can not give me the look I am seeking, i.e. narrow depth of field with a wide angle lens-see the above outside picture which was made with a 24mm (equivalent) lens on one of my µ4/3rd camera.

All things considered, re: a new camera body, I think a waiting game is in order to determine how things will shake out. In the meantime, my current µ4/3rd gear is giving me exactly what I want, so, it's on with the show.