the new snapshot # 237 ~ cool(ish) evening breezes

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At the Jersey Shore, family-my wife's 6 brothers/sisters, their spouses and kids-stuff happens, for me, at sundown or later. The reason for that is that my body, when exposed to heat and very high humidity, stops sweating and retains water which causes me to swell up kinda like the Pillsbury Dough Boy (slight exaggeration).

Consequently, I spend most of the day in our house (rental) in the air conditioning. I do venture out for short periods of time-making pictures being the primary motivator-but never to the beach. During the week I do make one obligatory late afternoon beach appearance where the clan spends the day.

After dinner, the clan assembles-utilizing bicycles-at one of the family houses (all rentals) for hanging out + libations. The kids are free to do whatever as long as-as my dad used to say-it doesn't involve police or pregnancy.

civilized ku # 5252 / the new snapshot # 236 ~ the way it was

Lollipop Motel ~ Wildwood, SouthJersey Shore (embiggenable) • iPhone

Lollipop Motel v. The New Snapshot ~ Wildwood, SouthJersey Shore (embiggenable) • iPhone

WIldwood, NJ has pretty much always been a Honky Tonk town with life and business centered around the boardwalk. Wildwoods' Boardwalk features 38 blocks (2 miles) packed end-to-end with stores, shops, water parks, eateries, live entertainment and amusement piers with over 100 rides and attractions.

Over the years the town / boardwalk has gone through at least a couple up-and-down turns. Currently, it is in a resurgence. Lots of new housing and most of the business properties have, at the very least, a fresh coat of paint. And, I am elighted to report, virtually all of what now must considered Vintage Sign ART has been preserved and refinished.

I made a number of pictures today but tomorrow I am planning to head back at twilight in order to picture the full-on neon display.

civilized ku # 5251 ~ longing for home

lazin ' in the sun ~ Stone Harbor, South Jersey Share (embiggenable) • iPhone

I will never understand the allure of sharing a stretch of beach with thousands (literally) of people. Or to be more accurate, tens of thousands of people along the entire barrier island on which I am currently situated. And then there is the heat and humidity under a blazing hot sun.

For me, it's entirely unbearable, made more so by the fact that I live in a vast forest preserve, aka: the Adirondack Park, to which tourists flee to escape the summer heat and crowding of city living. Hell, even the word "vacation" originated, in the late 1800s at the onset of Summer, from the question expressed by the NYC upperclass, "When are you vacating the city?" And, more often that not, that meant vacating to their Great Camps in the Adirondacks.

civilized ku # 5250 ~

Easter kids ~ Bergen County, NJ (embiggenable) • iPhone

Off to the Jersey Shore, my least favorite place on the planet. Will be posting Jersey Shore pictures with commentary everyday for the next week.