civilized ku # 5052 (the light) / diptych # 217 ~ la la how the life goes on

AM light on empty wine bottle ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - ItAP (embiggenable)

emerging / receding ~ SUNY Canton - Canton, NY (embiggenable)

Plugging along working on refining my instragram-like "filter" which is actually a series of customizable image-bending steps. While I will be posting some examples as I go along, I am posting every instagram-like picture on instagram @ hobsonspictures.

Meanwhile, my eye is wide open and my sensibilities on alert for straight picture making opportunities. Next week I will be visiting NYC and the Boston area so I expect there will opportunities aplenty.

instagram-ish # 1-3 ~ only because I can

For reasons known only by my inner demons, I have been playing around making my own "instragram filters". I wrote "known only by my inner demons" because, as a practioner of straight photography, when it comes to effects for effects sake, I ain't fer it, I'm agin it. So, obviously, this is truly a case of the devil made me do it.

However, there is a more straight forward rationale for this sseemingly bizzare behavior. It seems, from my experience with juried exhibitions and my observations of pictures selected, that no matter theme of an exhibition photo-effects are de rigueur. So, amongst my submissions for an exhibition, Honoring Trees, there will be, in addition to my straight pictures of trees, a few "instragram filter"-like pictures. Just to test the waters, don'tcha know.

I must admit that part of my "experiment" is to see if one of instagramish pictures is accepted into the exhibition so that I can say/write, "Ha. there, I did it".

civilized ku # 5051 ~ it's back

sunlight, chairs, feet ~ wedding in New Jersey (embiggenable)

During my recent visit to New Jersey I had 2 experiences which confirmed 1 thing that I already knew and another thing which I believe to be true.

Thing # 1: the snapshooter camera market is vanishing fast. Small pocketable fixed-lense cameras are disappearing like ... say ... film. Not that I needed any evidence to confirm that but, if evidence is what you want, there was evidence aplenty at the wedding I attended. The event was attended by 200-250 guests. To my knowledge - confirmed by observation - there were only 3 cameras (not counting the professional wedding crew) at the event. 2 were mine, the other belonged to my stepson. The rest of the crowd was merrily picturing away with their cell phones and I have no doubt that thousands of pictures were made at that event ...

... thousands of really crappy pictures, that is. One needed only to look on facebook during the following week to see a sea of bad pictures - noisy with camera shake in ample evidence - made at that event. That said, I am reasonably certain that those who made the pictures think they are just fine for their purposes.

Their purposes were to look at and share the pictures on lo-res media - social media, the phone screen, etc. - as a form of instant gratification. I am also reasonably certain that very few, if any, of the cell phone created pictures with ever be made into prints. Which brings me to Thing # 2 ...

Printed pictures: there is a camera store in New Jersey which has a large banner on display which reads: It's not a photograph until it's printed. That's a sentiment with which I completely agree with all of my picture making heart and soul.

Very few of the cell phone picture making generation ever make a print of their pictures. I must also write that I am often astonished by the fact that so many picture making enthusiasts rarely make prints as well .... what's the point of making images with enthusiast gear without making prints and hanging them on one's walls?

AN ASIDE: Currently, in my house, there are 34 of my prints hanging on various walls. In addition, there are 21 photo books, one 12 print portfolio box and a stack of 400 4x4 prints sitting about the place on coffee / end tables. Each book has, on average, 20 pictures. So, that brings the total number of printed pictures available for viewing in my house to approximately 870 pictures. End of ASIDE

In any event, I was heartened by the fact that an inlaw was passing around her kitchen table - where a number of family members were gathered for a morning after breakfast / get-together - a couple photo books and prints from a recent vacation. She was extolling the pleasure of having actual hold-them-in-your-hand pictures. So much so that she was downloading an app from a POD photo book site on everyone's phones. A site which offers 1 free photo book and a number of free prints a month to their app users.

It is my belief that a significant number of the cell phone picture making crowd has reached a pictures-stored-on-a-device saturation level. A saturation level which a number of online POD photo book and print sources have identified and are using the lost leader marketing idea to harness that emerging desire for photographic prints.

Hallelujah! Looks like a resurgence of photographic prints is in the works.

I believe the app my sister-in-law was so thrilled about can be seen here. Like Mikey was heard to say, "Try it, you'll like it."

canon of proportions (AMENDED) # 1-2 ~ Thinking inside the circle

hotel window view ~ Cherry Hill, NJ (embiggenable)

red berries ~ Au Sable Forks, NY - ItAP (embiggenable)

A few days ago I was contemplating da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, or, as it is sometimes called, the Canon of Proportions. It occurred to me that, while da Vinci's drawing was his solution to the Vitruvian Man problem (which had eluded mathematicians and geometricians for almost 2000 years) - how does the human body fit into both a circle and a square? - the circle and the square play a big part in my picture making idealogy ....

.... to wit, all lenses project a circular image which, in the particulars of making a picture, is then cropped by the frame imposed upon a light sensitive substrate by a camera's given format. In my case, that format is a square and the square is integral to my way of seeing.

Consequently, in my Canon of Proportions, my square is extracted from the center of a circle - da Vinci had to offset his square to find his solution - for the "perfect" proportions which best suit my eye and sensibilities. So, here I am again making pictures about the medium of photography and its (non-gear) apparatus.

civilized ku # 5048-51 (people) ~ making the most of it

she's got legs ~ (embiggenable)

belly laugh ~ (embiggenable)

contemplation ~ (embiggenable)

happy happy ~ (embiggenable)

clapping ~ (embiggenable)

Been away. Thursday last went to Hooksett, NH for a hockey tournament. Rented car in order to drive to Boston at 5:00AM Sunday to catch an 8:00AM flight to Philadelphia. Spent 12 hours on Sunday at a wedding - ceremony, reception, after -party, after after-party. Diner breakfast with in-laws on Monday AM then the 6.5 hour drive home where we arrived safe, sound and exhausted at around 7PM. Yesterday was devoted to R&R.

While at the wedding, I made some pictures, some of which were made by means of channelling my friend Mel's flash-on-camera shoot-from-the-hip - literally from the hip without the use of a viewfinder - B&W style of wedding photography. Although, I did take a few quick glances at the LED viewing screen.

Really like the results. It almost makes me want to attend more weddings. Almost, but not quite.